“Says you. I haven’t been able to sing car karaoke for over a month.”

“No one’s stopping you.” He gestured toward the radio dial with a smirk. “Pick your poison.”

“I’m stopping me—and sparing you. You’re welcome.” The joking didn’t help her feel better, so she turned her head as they passed a woman jogging along the sidewalk. All by herself. “You know, we could probably swing by my apartment and get my car right now. I have my keys with me.”

Why? Why kick-start the split the second you don’t need his protection anymore?

Because now that she didn’t need him, she was afraid he wouldn’t want her. It would be easier to walk away on her own than wait for his rejection.

“I don’t want to live there anymore,” she continued, “but once I get my stuff from your house, I can go back to Mom and Dad’s until I find a new place.”

“You have a place.”

Dev’s firm, almost angry statement lit a spark of hope. When she glanced over from beneath her lashes, he swore under his breath.

“Geezus, what’d you think, I was going to throw you out the second the guy was in jail?”

“Not exactly, but—”

He flipped on his blinker and braked while swerving to the side of the road. She lurched against the seatbelt as he threw the truck in park. A wary glance in his direction revealed his hands tight on the wheel as he glared out the windshield.

“First of all, I know you’re itching for your freedom back, but it’s going to be at least a few days yet. We have to let everything settle and see if he posts bail.”

“Oh. Right.” She sank lower in her seat. “I didn’t think of that.”

“And second…” He unsnapped his seatbelt and twisted toward her while leaning closer.

Her heart stuttered in her chest when he reached to cup her cheek and turn her face to his.

“I don’t want you going anywhere now that I can finally do this without feeling guilty.”

She had about a half a second to catch her breath before his warm lips covered hers. She tilted her chin up as he slid his hand to the back of her neck. Gentle exploration quickly grew more urgent as he angled his head to deepen the kiss. Shelby opened without hesitation and thrilled at the surge of heat from the deep, bold strokes of his tongue.

Head swimming, she gripped his forearm as a hum of approval vibrated in her throat. When she tried to get closer, the seatbelt held her in place. With a frustrated sound, she fumbled to release it, but Dev caught her hand.

His breath was rough and uneven as he leaned his forehead against hers, eyes closed. After a long moment, he said, “I probably should’ve waited to do that until later.”

Her heart soared at the unconcealed longing in his voice. “I’m glad you didn’t.”

He smiled, eyes opening as he pressed another quick kiss to her mouth. She leaned forward to maintain contact, and when she tangled her tongue with his, things got hot and heavy again real fast.

With a low groan, he twisted his head to the side and shoved back to his side of the truck. “I definitely should’ve waited.”

Shelby bit the corner of her lip to keep from grinning like a fool, but when he glanced over at her, she ended up laughing anyway. His cute, light-hearted grin nearly had her blurting out how much she loved him.

“If I remember correctly, you packed a dress and heels in your suitcase, didn’t you?”

And he said she didn’t miss much? “Two dresses,” she confirmed.

“What would you say to putting one on so I can take you out for dinner tonight?”

Her stomach gave a nervous little flip as she arched her eyebrows. “Are you asking me out on a date?”

“I am.”

Wow. She never would’ve expected the simple gesture of a date to trigger the rush of emotion that had her blinking against a sting of tears.

“Are you going to say yes?” he prompted.