“You two need to mind your own business.” She crossed back to her dresser and scooped up a handful of underwear and bras to stuff in her suitcase.

“I think he doesn’t trust himself to get too close. Especially if you consider why the other bodyguard got the boot.”

Shelby frowned on her way back for socks. “That’s ridiculous.”

“No it’s not. The man couldn’t take his eyes off you last night.”

“He was watching me because he had to.”

“Not like that he didn’t have to.”

Her pulse skipped as she dropped the socks on top her underwear. “Like what?”

“Like he couldn’t wait to get you alone.”

She rolled her eyes and shook her head. “Too bad your theory doesn’t test out. He had me alone last night and acted like I had leprosy.”

“Because in his mind, it’s a line he can’t cross no matter how bad he might want to. I’m telling you, I’m spot on.”

“And I’m guessing you’ve been drinking.”

“Only one glass of champagne—I swear.”

She snorted her disbelief.

“I’m serious, Bells. Put on something sexy, and you’ll have him eating from the palm of your hand in no time.”

Yeah, because that had worked so well the first time around. “I’m hanging up now.”

“Love you. Good luck.”

She disconnected and shoved her phone in her back pocket. A quick reach closed the suitcase lid, and she zipped it shut with jerky movements. Mid-lift off the bed, she paused and eyed her dresser. In the very back of her underwear drawer was the nude-colored satin nightie she’d worn back when she was sixteen. The first and only piece of sexy lingerie she’d ever bought. She should’ve tossed it, or burned it, or something, but had never quite been able to bring herself to get rid of it.

And now it was there. Something sexy. Just waiting to be worn again.

Would it even still fit?

Leaving the suitcase on the bed, she crossed the floor and reached for the drawer as her phone buzzed. Because it was easier to check the message than follow through with what she was considering, she pulled out her phone to see Raine’s new text: Seduce that man!

“Almost done?”

Dev’s voice from the doorway made her jump. A quick grab saved her phone from tumbling to the floor, and she quickly shoved it in her pocket, her heart racing like mad.

“Almost. I just want to grab a few more things.”

Feeling a bit like a pinball, she went back to the closet to pull out a second suitcase for bathroom items and other personal mementos while he took her first suitcase out to the living room. Alone again, she snatched the lingerie from her drawer to tuck in the bottom of her suitcase, under the well-worn afghan Grandma Irene had given her for her sixteenth birthday.

They each carried a case out to his truck, and a half-hour later they were back at his house.

A black SUV sat in his driveway, and as Dev parked, she read Brennan Security Services lettered on the door. She didn’t ask, and he didn’t explain as he grabbed both suitcases to bring inside. Shelby had a strong suspicion her father was somehow involved in whatever this development involved. Something state of the art, no doubt. The best money could buy.

It was nothing to be upset about, but how was it that this was already in motion when she’d made the decision to stay at Dev’s less than an hour ago?

“Brennan?” Dev called out as they walked inside and he shut the door.

“Over here.”

The voice came from near the French doors that led from the kitchen nook to the backyard. A dark-haired man with a close-cropped beard glanced over his shoulder at the two of them. “Hey, Torrez. I’m nearly done.”