But fight it he must—which meant getting his ass up and out of reach.

One shift of his left leg sent a sharp pain through the tight muscles. He breathed through it, stealthily maneuvering from beneath the pillow and retrieving his weapon from under the couch cushion without waking Shelby. Not only did she need more than four hours of sleep, but he needed to do his morning physical therapy. It was slowly getting better each day, but he still didn’t want her to witness his discomfort as he worked the stiff muscles.

Socks kept his steps silent as he double checked the house perimeter before limping into the spare bedroom he’d set up as a gym. He left the door open in case Shelby woke up before he was done, though he wouldn’t bet on her being up anytime soon with how tired she’d been.

Grim determination got him through the initial stretches and PT, before he switched gears for an upper body workout that got his blood pumping for the day. It was nearing seven-thirty when he reached to grasp the pull-up bar just as Shelby poked her head around the corner.

She leaned against the doorjamb, hugging the wall somewhat as she said, “Morning.”

Dev dropped his arms to his sides. “Hey. I didn’t expect you up yet.”

“Clearly, you’ve been awake for a while.”

He shrugged and swiped the towel off the bench next to where he’d laid his sidearm within easy reach. “Military hours. Did I wake you?”

She shook her head, her gaze focused on the gun. “I’m usually at work by now.”

“On a Sunday?”

Her soft smile jolted right to his heart. “Well, no, not Sundays. Monday through Thursday I’m at the hospital by seven, and Fridays I spend the day at the veterans foundation Loyal and Grayson started. You’ve met Grayson, haven’t you?”

He was the half-brother they’d found out about a couple years ago. “Not formally, but I saw him at the wedding.”

“I can introduce you at brunch today.” Her nose scrunched up a tiny bit. “If he bothers to come.”

He wasn’t going in with her, but he didn’t tell her that just yet.

After wiping his face, Dev flipped one end of the towel over his shoulder and picked up his Beretta to head for the door. Shelby’s hair tumbled in disarray past her shoulders, and a swift glance took in her slim, shapely legs and bare feet. The burgundy polish on her toes matched her short nails. She’d worn a similar shimmery shade on her lips for the wedding yesterday.

He shifted his gaze back up, struggling not to linger on the drape of cotton over her hips and breasts. She made his plain, desert tan T-shirt look like a million bucks. He had no doubt she’d make his bed look even better.

Do not go there.

“Since you’re up, we should get moving,” he said. “We can meet the police at your apartment before heading over to your parents’ place.”

A shadow flitted across her expression, but she nodded as he angled his body to avoid brushing against her when he passed. Her brow dipped into a frown as she replied, “I can be showered and ready in a half-hour.”

Dev took his shower in five minutes—he cut it short when he started imagining Shelby under the steamy spray in his master bath. He could still hear the water running after he stepped out of the shower in the guest bathroom, and hurried to dry and dress in a pair of jeans, white T-shirt, and a gray sweatshirt.

After securing his concealed carry holster, he called Jensen Brennan, a Special Forces buddy in the area who’d opened his own home security business when he’d retired three years ago.

Dev shot the rearview mirror another lingering glance a couple miles after leaving Shelby’s apartment complex. They’d spent the past two hours with the cops, giving their statements while a couple of officers went over her apartment with a fine-tooth comb. Given the previous incidents, and Shelby’s relationship to the senator, the officer in charge had been meticulous in her inspection.

No hidden cameras or other devices had been found, and she promised to call as soon as they’d had a chance to review the security gate surveillance footage. If they were lucky, they’d catch the sonofabitch by the end of the day. Or at least know who it was.

Shelby tucked her long hair behind her ear and turned to look behind them. When she swiveled back, Dev felt her gaze even with sunglasses shading her eyes.

“Are you worried we’re being followed?” she asked.

“Just taking every precaution.”

“Like last night when you drove in circles before going to your house.”

“Yep.” Though he hadn’t driven in actual circles.

“Are we being followed?”

“Not that I can tell.”