While Shelby and Grayson set up over at a stainless steel exam table, Dev paced to the other side of the room to call the private investigator.

“I just hung up with Mark,” Gus answered without preamble. “We got the sonofabitch.”

Dev’s pulse skipped as he spun to look at Shelby. “He’s in custody?”

“As soon as the warrant comes through, the cops are gonna pick him up.”

His hope dimmed. A warrant didn’t mean shit if they couldn’t find the guy. Hell, it didn’t mean shit if a judge wouldn’t sign it. There would be no relaxing until he was behind bars. “Who is it?”

“Neil Truman—the guy from that letter you had me dig into.”

He wasn’t surprised. His gut had warned him on that one for a reason.

“The police compared the handwriting from the letter six years ago with the note left at the Diamond estate, and the one on Shelby’s windshield,” Gus said. “All three matched. What’s more, they picked up his car on traffic cam footage a couple miles from the estate and heading in that direction shortly before the break-in this morning, but he lives and works in Boulder.”

“Is that enough for the warrant?”

“Damn straight it is. I gotta get going right now, but I’ll call you as soon as soon as I know more.”


Shelby happened to look up as he disconnected the call, and their gazes locked. Her quick smile had him praying the faint light at the end of the tunnel got real bright, real soon.

Chapter 24

Shelby couldn’t help sneaking glimpses at Dev every so often as Grayson brought her the dogs for each well-check. Apparently, she looked often enough that her brother noticed.

“You sleeping with your bodyguard?”

She jerked her gaze back to little Axel on the table as heat seared her face. “No.” Although, technically, she was. Just not in the way he meant.

“But you want to.”

The warmth in her face spread clear down to her toes. She peered into one of the Shepherd puppy’s ears, then the other. “I’m not talking about this with you.”

Without lifting his head, Grayson shot Dev a glance where he spoke on the phone while reaching his fingers through the links of a kennel to itch the chin of one of the dogs. “He’s into you, too, so what gives? Your dad doesn’t approve?”

She gave him the side-eye. “Our dad doesn’t know, but if he did, he wouldn’t care.” At least, she was pretty sure he wouldn’t care. He wouldn’t have allowed them to basically live together if he did, would he have?

No, of course he’d be fine. He and Mom loved Dev and all the Torrezes like they were family.

Shelby handed Axel over for Grayson to switch him out with his sister, Minx. As she started the exam, he braced his palms on the stainless-steel table top. “Is he a good guy?”

There was no holding back her smile as she checked the pup’s baby teeth. “Yeah, he definitely is.”

Another sideways glance revealed him watching Dev from under his brow.

“What branch did he serve in?”

“Army. Special Forces.” Just saying it brought a rush of pride. Special Forces was a big deal. He was brave and tough and—

Grayson grunted.

“Eli likes him,” she defended.

That prompted a snort, but there was humor in the sound. “Eli’s a vegetarian.”

Shelby laughed with her frown. “What’s that got to do with anything?”