But last night, when she voiced her faith in him, he’d been too choked up to do anything more than hold her hand in gratitude. She’d fallen asleep shortly after, and her even, relaxed breathing had lulled him along with her.

Not long ago, he’d told himself he was lucky he hadn’t done something as stupid as fall for her all those years ago. But he’d been lying to himself. He’d loved her then, and loved her even more so now. He’d managed to not give in after that inferno of a kiss, but as soon as he was no longer her bodyguard, all bets were off.

Speaking of which, he refocused his attention and opened the folder to flip though to where he and Rey had left off. Shelby’s phone alarm sounded faintly from the bedroom about six, and by then Dev had marked two letters in particular he wanted the PI to look into further.

She shuffled out in her slippers a few minutes later, sleepy-eyed with her hair slightly mussed. Cute and sexy all at once.

He closed the folder and tucked it away before turning to pour her a cup of coffee. Then he slid it and the container of sea salt caramel hot chocolate she’d brought from her place across the island as she slumped down onto one of the stools.

“Thanks.” She dumped a heaping scoop of hot chocolate into her cup and stirred. “I slept like a rock.”

Good. He loved knowing she felt safe enough for that. “You had a long day yesterday.”

“Thank God I’m not on the surgery floor today,” she mumbled before blowing across the surface of her cup and taking a sip.

When she gave a closed-eyed hmm of pleasure, Dev had to look away. A quickly snuck glance caught sight of her tongue flicking out to catch the drip on her bottom lip, and he wished he could be the one to lean over and lick it off.

He turned away to top off his half-empty cup.

“How long have you been up?” she asked.

Since about five seconds ago, and half the night before that.

He thumped the coffee pot back on the burner and attempted casual by leaning back against the cupboard. “About an hour.”

“Still those military hours?”

He smiled slightly, because it was close enough.

She took another sip before straightening in her chair, her expression suddenly determined. “What was the deal with that folder yesterday? I meant to ask you about it last night, but you distracted me with the self-defense.”

“You don’t miss much, do you?”


Dev sighed and brought the folder back out. He stepped forward and placed it on the counter, but kept his palm on the top when she reached for it. “This is only because I promised to be straight with you.”

“And I appreciate that.” She gripped the edge between her thumb and forefinger and tugged.

He kept his hold. “These are copies of death threats and other borderline letters sent to your dad.”

She stopped pulling, her brown gaze somber as it rose to his.

“The choice is yours, but I don’t think you should read them. They’re not…nice.”

“What death threat is?”

He let go of the folder and watched closely as she opened it to read the top letter. Emotions chased across her face and left a deep crease in her forehead. She flipped to the second page, but slammed the whole thing closed about five seconds later. A quick shove of her hand spun the folder back in his direction.

“God, people can be so horrible.” She was still frowning as she took a gulp of her coffee. “I knew he got stuff like that, but didn’t know how bad it was. Is.”

“I’m sure your parents don’t want you to worry about them. And they’re not all as bad as those top ones. Ninety-nine-point-nine-nine percent of the time it’s just idiots venting their anger.”

“Yeah, but all it takes is that point-o-one percent to be more than an idiot blowing off steam, doesn’t it?”

“That’s why your parents have their own protection.”

She nodded, then sought his gaze once more. “Why do you have these letters?”