Dev drew in a deep breath and let it back out again as he hung his head. Barely twelve hours into the job and she was driving him crazy. How the hell was he going to handle the next few days, or possibly even weeks?

The only way you can—help catch this guy sooner than later.

He lifted his head with determination and did a quick about-face to return to his truck. Before driving down to see his brother, he dialed the number Shelby’s father had texted him shortly after he and Janine had left for the airport last night.

Rolling down the window, he braced his elbow on the door frame while it rang. Once the senator answered, he took a few minutes to brief him on what had happened the night before, and their time with the authorities earlier.

“How’s she holding up?” Mark asked, concern in his voice.

“She’s a little shook up, but doing okay.”

“I’m grateful you’re the one looking out for her. We’ve got a couple of major bills coming to the floor this week, otherwise I’d be back home with her under my roof in a heartbeat.” It was obvious from his tone, he hated not being able to be there for his daughter. “Then again, she’d probably fight me tooth and nail on moving back home.”

“I’ll do whatever it takes to keep her safe,” Dev assured him.

“It has to be twenty-four seven,” Mark stated. “She’s not going to like it, but no more picking her up and dropping her off like Blake and the others were doing. I want someone with her at all times. Preferably you.”

“That’s the plan. I have an Army buddy of mine installing a top of the line security system at my place right now. If she doesn’t want to stay there, I’ll do the same at her apartment.”

“Good. Spare no expense and send me the bill when it’s done.”

“I’m not worried about that, Sir.” Though he was a tad surprised the senator didn’t bat an eye over them basically living together.

“Still, I’ll cover whatever you deem necessary.”

Dev murmured his agreement as he squinted toward the barn. Reyes walked through the open doors, leading one of the thoroughbreds out to pasture, past a car he now recognized as Solana’s rental. “On a side note, do you recall a campaign staffer by the name of Chad Mayer?”

Papers rustled in the background as he replied, “Sure. He worked on the campaign from the start.”

“You ever have any issues with him?”

“Not that I’m aware of. He’s a nice kid. Did a great job getting people out to vote. Why?”

A sudden ache in his thigh had Dev absently rubbing his leg. “I’d like to have your PI check him out.”

“What prompted this?”

“Just a vibe I got when I saw him talking to Shelby at the wedding last night.”

“He was at the wedding?” The senator’s voice held an obvious frown. “I don’t recall his name on the guest list.”

“Shelby said the same thing. He told her he was getting drinks with some friends.”

“At The Pinõn?”

Dev gave a wry grunt, watching his brother return to the stable. “That’s what I said.”

“Tell you what—I’ll send you Gus’ contact info and let him know you’ll be in touch. Anything you need or want checked out, just let one of us know.”

“Thanks. I’ll keep you updated.”

As soon as they hung up, he started the engine and drove to the barn. When he limped inside, he found Reyes in the office with his sister and dad—and his brother appeared remarkably well recovered.

His dad cradled a cup of coffee in his hands as he reclined back in the leather chair behind the desk. Lana rested one booted foot over the opposite knee, her fingers linked over her stomach in a relaxed pose. She grinned up at him when he squeezed her shoulder, her dark ponytail swishing across the vest she’d layered over a long-sleeved black shirt.

“What are you doing here today?” he asked his dad as he took a seat in the empty chair next to his sister.

“Your mom is up at the main house for the gift opening, so I was going to work on some paperwork until these two distracted me.”