And they’re better than tightie whities.

The thought made her snort with amusement, and she kept them as she closed the drawer.

Once she changed out of her dress into Dev’s T-shirt and briefs, she hung the silver velvet gown in his closet next to his suit coat. The silver and navy looked good together. She trailed her fingers down the length of his coat sleeve, then snatched her hand away when she realized what she was doing.

You’re being an idiot. Go to bed!

She took a few moments to wash off her make-up and brush her teeth in the master bathroom, then slid between the crisp, fresh-scented sheets. After clicking off the bedside lamp, she laid her head down on the pillow with an exhausted sigh. Willing her shoulders to relax

, she linked her fingers together over her ribs.

And stared at the ceiling in the dark.

Turned her head to stare at the empty pillow beside her.

Stared at the ceiling again.

Being in Devante’s bed was surreal. How many times had she fantasized about this back in her late teens? Yes, even after his rejection.

Too many times.

He was quite the crabby jerk, and yet, back in her bedroom when she’d first read those horrible words on her mirror, he’d shown a glimpse of the kind, caring guy she remembered as a kid. The strength in his arms when he held her had given her a sense of security she hadn’t felt even with a bodyguard the past few weeks. Whoever had written that creepy message couldn’t get to her with Dev as her protector.


The words flashed in her mind and sent a shiver down her spine. What did that mean even? She fisted her fingers in the comforter across her chest, dragging it up to her chin. Thirty heart-pounding seconds later, she scooted up and reached over to turn the light back on.

Immediately, she focused on the lamp’s reflection in the window to the left of the bed.

Dev had said if someone tried to come in his front door, they’d have to go through him first. But her stalker wouldn’t be that stupid. If he was resourceful enough to follow them here, he’d go around and come through the window—and with the light on, he could probably see into the room without her even knowing he was there.

Another reach for the lamp plunged the room into darkness.

Shelby grabbed the second pillow to hug against her chest while staring toward the window in the dark. Her elevated heartbeat shortened her breath as anxiety spiked.


Tears pricked her eyes. She blinked them away with impatience. She hated the thought this guy was winning—and yet there was no way she was going to get one wink of sleep while sitting here all freaked out about everything that had happened.

Worrying what could happen.

Throwing aside the covers, she jumped out of bed and hurried to the door. The hardwood floor was cold beneath her bare feet, but a prickle of fear along the back of her neck refused to let her turn around.

Three seconds later, she reached the living room. Recessed lighting from under the kitchen cabinets cast just enough light for her to see Dev jerk up from the couch.

He met her halfway across the floor. “What’s the matter?”

His hushed, clipped tone indicated he was ready for action, not angry. At least, not yet.

“I, um…” Realizing she still clutched the extra pillow, she blurted, “You didn’t take a pillow.”

He frowned when she pushed it into his hands. “You came out here to give me a pillow?”

She shrugged and then sidled around him to sit on the couch.

“Shelby.” His tone held a note of warning.

“I know—you’ve got the couch. I’m just…” She glanced up at him and then quickly looked away as she scooted back and drew her chilled feet up off the floor. Wrapping her arms around her legs, she whispered, “I can’t shut my brain off.”