Her day would end after the wedding lunch. Then, tomorrow, they’d fly out to the South of France for their honeymoon—something Ash had insisted they have, even if they were forgoing most of the other traditional wedding trappings.

‘If this day is about starting our lives together, then I want to make sure we start it right,’ he’d said.

‘You mean by taking me away and keeping me in bed for a week?’ Zoey had guessed.

‘Exactly,’ Ash had replied, with one of his most wicked grins.

Zoey hadn’t felt it was worth arguing with, after that.

It felt surreal, preparing for her wedding alone—for all that it was her choice. She hadn’t even told her parents she was getting married, this time, let alone about the baby. She’d managed to move out again before they’d even returned from her last wedding, so she hadn’t seen them since she’d left the island resort. They hadn’t called, and neither had she.

I don’t need them now. I’ve got Ash, and our baby. I’ve got a new future.

Maybe, if she kept repeating the words to herself, she’d feel less alone.

When the car arrived, the driver called the lift for her and she descended to the street in her wedding dress, waiting for him to open the car door before she got in. As he closed it behind her, she looked to the seat next to her, surprised to find it empty. She’d been expecting to see someone, she realised suddenly. Not her father, or even Ash...


The name came to her lips before her brain, almost.

She’d expected to see her best friend since junior school, there on her wedding day to give her away—to give her blessing on her marriage to Ash.

But Grace was gone, and Zoey was alone.

But only until I marry Ash.

The car pulled away from the kerb and Zoey forced herself to focus on the future she’d made for herself—and leave the past behind for good.


‘WELL, THIS IS a bit different from last time.’ Ash’s father, Arthur Carmichael, folded his hands behind his back and rose up on the balls of his feet as he surveyed the registry office, before dropping back down again.

‘This is still the hallway, Dad,’ Ash pointed out. ‘I’m sure it’s nicer inside.’

His mother had already disappeared to the florist she’d spotted a few doors down, when she’d learned that it was possible Zoey didn’t even have a bouquet. He didn’t think his parents quite embraced the idea of simple but meaningful the way Zoey seemed to have.

To be honest, it wasn’t exactly his idea of a dream wedding either.

But he’d already had that once. This was something new. And that was fine.

‘I wasn’t talking about the venue, son,’ Arthur said. ‘I meant...this whole thing. Are you sure you really want to do this?’

That, Ash knew for certain. ‘Absolutely.’

‘For the baby.’ Arthur sighed. ‘I suppose that’s the right thing to do, and your mother will be pleased. But these days, you don’t have to, Ash, you know that, yes? You can support her, of course, and be a part of the child’s life, without marrying her.’

‘I know that.’ How could he make his father understand? ‘She’s...she’s my best friend, Dad. I care for her. I want her to be happy. And honestly? She makes me happy too. I never thought I’d find that again.’

‘After Grace,’ his father said thoughtfully. ‘Well, happiness is no bad thing to reach for, I suppose. Even in a place like this. Now, where is your mother? Aren’t we supposed to be starting soon?’

‘Zoey’s not here yet either,’ Ash pointed out. ‘Don’t worry.’

He wasn’t worrying. She’d come, he was sure. Things were different this time, after all—wasn’t that what she’d said? She could see their future together. He knew her, in a way all those other men she’d almost married didn’t. He was her best friend.

She wouldn’t let him down.

She’d be there. With or without a bouquet.

He didn’t care. As long as she showed up.

* * *

‘This is a bit different from last time.’

Zoey stopped outside the hallway as she heard Arthur Carmichael speak.