“We’re very proud,” she said with a grin.

“You should be. What about Reyes and Dev?”

“Reyes’ four years are up in August, and he’s not reenlisting, but Devante deploys again next month.”

“Dev’s in for the long haul, isn’t he?” At twenty-seven, Dev was two years younger than him, whereas Reyes was the same age as Shelby at twenty-three.


Her mixed feelings about her oldest son’s career choice were obvious, yet he knew she was equally proud of him. He understood her worries over the danger of his Special Forces missions. He’d witnessed the relief on her face a few times after getting word Dev was back in the States.

Asher rinsed the dish in his hand and set it in the tray to drain. “Do you know where he’s going this time?”

She shook her head as she scraped off another dish into the garbage. “It’s classified. As always.”

He gave her a nudge with his elbow when she handed him the platter. “We’ll keep the prayers coming for his safe return.” They didn’t keep in touch on a regular basis, but whenever Dev came home, it was like no time had passed.

Elena pulled him down for a quick buss on the cheek with a murmured, “Gracias, mijo,” then did a quick sign of the cross before reaching for the next dish.

It was almost forty-five minutes later that he noticed through the window guests were starting to depart and reluctantly took off the apron to dry his hands. “I suppose I better go out there and say a few goodbyes with everyone else.”

That is, if Loyal had decided to hang around and—he checked the clock—Merit wasn’t down in the wine cellar.

“Thank you for your help,” Elena said.

“It was entirely my pleasure.”

“And everyone thinks Merit is the charmer.” She stuck one hand on her hip, giving him a grin as he swiped his tux jacket off the chair and backed toward the party. “I’ll save you a container of cake in the usual place.”

Grinning, he crossed his hands over his chest as a silent thank you, blew her a kiss, and spun around on his way through the doors. His mouth watered just thinking about the decadent desserts and addicting frosting to go with each one. His pulse quickened just thinking about the delicious redhead who’d created them.

She doesn’t believe in love.

The quiet voice in his head gave him pause, but a vivid recollection of her unzipped dress and bare back muted the cautionary reminder as he stifled a groan of longing. He had an overnight bag upstairs because he’d planned to stay the night so he could spend some time with Loyal, but even knowing the background behind his brother’s outburst, annoyance still simmered for the shot he’d taken at Roxanna.

Better he go home tonight than stay and risk saying something he’d later regret. Tomorrow’s family brunch would be soon enough to deal with Loyal again.


Honor vented her restless resentment as she viciously stirred her second batch of cupcakes by hand, her favorite ceramic bowl hugged against her chest while she turned to peer through the glass door of the oven.

Almost done.

She spun back to the island on the ball of her foot as a loud knock on her front door sounded over the music streaming from her portable speaker. She startled so hard, the bowl slipped in her arms, and she made a desperate grab to keep it from shattering on the floor.


She darted a glance at the clock on the wall. 1:13 a.m. Who could that be at this time?

Her pulse stuttered, fingers tightening around the wire whisk handle as she debated ignoring the knock. Unfortunately, thanks to her lights and music, there was no denying she was home and awake.

She turned the music down a few notches before easing toward the door. A glance outside revealed no car in her driveway or on the street. Through the decorative glass panels on either side of the door, she could only see the shadow of the person on her front porch.

She stood on her side, too short for her peep hole, worrying her lip in indecision. She didn’t have any pets because hair and wedding cakes didn’t mix, but right about now, a great big dog sounded like a good idea.

Or a big, strong man. With dark hair and—

Nope. Give her the dog any day. A German Shepherd with a ferocious bark.