Another good answer, and yet she forced a laugh as his mouth journeyed from her neck, to the underside of her jaw, to her chin. “You were just hungry.”

“That, too.” His lips curved against her skin. “I’m still hungry.”

“Want me to get you some cake?”

“All I want is you, Honor.” His mouth hovered a hairsbreadth away from hers. “Only you.”

Best answer ever.

As his lips crushed against hers, she twisted into his arms and forgot all about the sugar flowers on her counter.


A sher carried the tray he’d found in Honor’s kitchen up to her bedroom. She was sleeping on her stomach, red hair spilled across her navy blue pillow case. He stood for a moment, gaze tracing the curve of her bare shoulder in the early morning light as he remembered her soft skin beneath his hands and mouth, her alluring scent, and the addicting taste of her on his tongue.

Loyal had told him to go get his heart broken. After last night, that was entirely possible, because she had his heart in the palm of her hand. He loved spending time with her as much as he loved loving her in bed. Even when their conversation had gotten slightly heated, he loved hearing her take on the situation. Well, more so he loved that she wasn’t afraid to speak her mind, even though she’d immediately apologized.

And he loved that she wanted kids, even if it was someday.

A glance at her nightstand clock had him moving forward. She stirred when he brace

d one knee on the mattress, and his heart swelled when she rolled over and gave him a shy smile.

“Mmm, morning.”

Her sleep-husky voice made his dick twitch behind the zipper of his jeans. The temptation to strip down and crawl back into bed with her rose up hard.


She pushed up to sit, pulling the sheet with her to cover her breasts. As she brushed her long hair back from her face, her lashes lifted, her green gaze rising along his body until it met his. He bridged the tray across her legs, and leaned over to give her a soft kiss.

“You’re not staying?” she asked.

The moment the question was out, he noticed her lips press together, as if she wished she hadn’t let him hear her disappointment. But he was thrilled she was unable to contain the emotion.

“Unfortunately, I have an appointment I can’t miss.”

She nodded and lifted the bowl he’d improvised as a plate cover to peek at the breakfast he’d made her.

“Scrambled eggs,” he supplied. “I hope you’re good with that?”

“I’m great with scrambled eggs.” She lowered the cover and lifted her gaze again. “You didn’t have to do this.”

“I figured it was better than a note on the counter.”

She tipped her head to the side with a subdued grin. “You’re a smart guy.”

“I have my moments,” he agreed. Though right now, he was kicking himself for not rescheduling his meeting the second he woke up beside her. He hated the thought of giving her more time to over-think things between them. “I gotta get going, but I’ll text you later.”


He leaned in one last time to press his lips to hers. Before he could pull back, her hand rose to the back of his head, fingers threading through his hair as she opened her mouth and drew him in with the sensual glide of her tongue against his.

His heart rate spiked on a hot surge of desire. He buried his hands in her hair and pressed her back into the pillows, but then had to break the kiss before he lost the ability to walk away.

Resting his forehead against hers, he brushed her cheek with his knuckles. “Any chance I can bring you dinner again tonight?”

After a moment of hesitation, she shook her head with a negative hum.