Grayson lifted his hand to jab the head of the hammer in their direction. “I haven’t taken a dime from those vultures, nor do I plan to.”

Fury roughened his voice, tension radiating from him in waves as the dog’s growls intensified.

“You expect us to believe you weren’t on board with this plan your mother concocted?”

“Remy, quit.” The animal quieted as the guy glared at Loyal. “What the hell are you even talking about?”

“We know this is all a setup to derail our father’s campaign so he loses the election.”

“I don’t give a shit about your father.”

“Interesting.” Loyal shot Asher a cynical glance. “He’s not even trying to back up the story. What happened, did your mom cut you out of the deal? Is that what’s got you so pissed off?”

“There is no deal. I’m pissed off because this whole shit-show has been a nightmare since last night. My phone won’t stop ringing, and I had an army of reporters knocking on my door last night and this morning. I had to call the cops to get rid of them.”

“You should’ve known they’d want follow up interviews.”

“And how the fuck would I have known that?”

“Common fucking sense,” Loyal snapped. “When you chum the waters to ruin the reputation of a respected governor running for Senate, you’re gonna attract the sharks.”

“You’re talking like a fucking idiot,” Grayson accused.

Asher almost laughed at that comment. He even sounded like Loyal. “Surely, you had to know once the story broke the press would want to hear directly from you.”

“You assume I knew what the hell was coming, but that fucking news report last night came out of nowhere. At least in Afghanistan I expected there would be I.E.D.s to blow everything to kingdom come,” he grumbled.

Asher’s frown now matched his brother’s—and his half-brother’s. “Your mother didn’t tell you before she sold the story?”

Grayson’s jaw clenched. “My mom didn’t sell any damn story.”

“You’re saying you didn’t know the governor was your father before last night?”

“My father is dead.” Deep creases lined the guy’s forehead. “I’ve known that from the time I was old enough to ask.”

And yet, he didn’t sound like he was stating a long known fact. It was more like he was repeating the words to convince himself what he’d been told all his life was still true.

Hearing the confusion mixed with frustration, Asher was inclined to believe he hadn’t known the shit-storm—as he aptly described it—was coming. Last night, before he’d talked to Honor, he’d resented the hell out of this guy. And then on the drive, Loyal had him doubting the few facts they did know.

But now, he realized maybe Grayson was going through the same emotional grinder they all were.

Loyal crossed his arms, clearly unconvinced. “That’s an interesting way to play it.”

“I’m not playing anything.”

“Plausible deniability. I think now that the story is actually out there, you’re scared. Because the truth is going to come out about the lies you and your mother told to ruin our dad’s reputation.” He leaned forward to jab a finger in Grayson’s direction. “And believe me, we’re going to make sure you’re all exposed.”

The dog rose up with a sharp bark, and Loyal jerked back.

“Here’s a truth for you,” Grayson growled. “I don’t want anything to do with a single one of you fucking entitled, pretentious pricks. I don’t want your money. I don’t want to know you. I don’t even want to know about you. Now get the fuck off my property.”

Loyal took a breath to speak, but Asher turned to face him while stepping between the two. “Let’s go,” he said quietly. “This isn’t helping.”

He looked like he was going to argue, and when Asher put his hand on his chest to back him up, he knocked it away. He started to back up, but leaned to the side for one last warning. “The truth will come out. You can take that to the bank.”

A stop at their parents’ house on the way home left a cold knot in Asher’s stomach. Mom had packed a bag and left without a word to anyone where she was going or when she’d be back. Dad was out doing damage control on the damn campaign, and Celia was rattled enough that she and Robert were discussing postponing the wedding.

He and Loyal had discussed telling everyone about their visit with Grayson, decided not to, but then Asher spilled when guilt got the better of him. After the past twenty-four hours, the idea of keeping a secret from any of his siblings didn’t sit right.