“It’s really not that big a deal,” he said.

Rox laughed, her brown gaze twinkling. “It isn’t. He just sucks at poker and doesn’t like to be reminded that I took him to the cleaners the night we met back in college. I gave him the nickname so he’d never forget.”

Asher grimaced while pouring syrup over his food. “Yeah, well, I didn’t know I was playing with a psychic.”

“I read people, not cards,” she defended, syrup dripping from her raised fork. “It’s not my fault you have numerous tells.”

“Ooh, do tell,” Honor joked.

She took a breath to speak, but Asher fixed her with a glare. “Rox.”

Lucky for her, she ate her food and kept her grinning mouth shut. Finally, he stabbed a chunk of his French toast. “Shouldn’t you be at the store?”

“Tessa’s covering for me today.”

“Oh.” He raised a bite, but another knock from the front door jerked his head around. Plunking down his fork, he got up from his seat with a muttered, “Of all the mornings. It’s like Grand-frickin’-Central here today.”

As he left the kitchen, he heard Roxanna say, “We’ll talk later.”

“Better not,” he hollered on his way through the living room. Roxanna talking to Honor scared the crap out of him at the same time he loved the idea of the two of them becoming friends.

A shiny black SUV he didn’t recognize was parked next to Rox’s ancient Jeep. He opened the door and blinked in surprise when he saw Loyal on his porch. “Hey. I didn’t know you were coming back.”

“What the hell did you expect with all this shit going on?”

He stepped aside for him to come in, then eyed the overnight bag in his hand. “Staying a while?”

“Just a couple nights. You okay if I stay here? I don’t think I can handle the house right now.”

Normally, he’d have no problem with his brother staying a few nights. But after last night with Honor, he had to bite his tongue to keep from suggesting he find himself a hotel. “Yeah. It’s fine.”

“Do I smell coffee? And food?”

Loyal’s bag thumped to the floor as he headed straight for the kitchen. His step faltered when he saw Honor and Roxanna at the island, and Asher bumped his shoulder on the way past. Honor gave his brother a welcoming smile, while Rox sat stiff and refused to even look at him.

Recalling their conversation the other day, Asher kept an eye on his best friend as he said, “Loyal, you remember Honor Hartman from the party.”

“Yeah. The cake baker. Good to see you again.” His narrowed gaze moved between her and Roxanna on his way to the coffee pot. “You’re awfully forgiving.”

Honor just smiled, but Rox’s lips thinned as she pushed up from her stool. “I’m going to get going.”

Loyal leaned back against the counter, a smirk lifting the corners of his mouth. “Roxanna, please. Don’t leave on my account.”

His brother’s smug grin grew as she pointedly ignored him, thanked Honor for breakfast, then added, “Asher, I’m here for you if you need anything.”

“I know.” He gave her a one-armed hug, grateful she cared enough to come by, even if she had interrupted his morning. “Thanks for checking in.”


“Always good to see you, Roxanna,” Loyal called after her.

After the front door slammed, Asher spun around and shot him a dark look. “Why do you antagonize her?”

“What? I was polite.”

He shook his head as he slid onto the stool next to Honor once more. “You really are a jackass.”

Loyal snorted while grabbing a mug to pour some coffee. “You find out anything more this morning?”