It was almost ten-thirty now, and she figured she’d let him sleep a bit longer before having to face the upheaval in his life again. Out in the living room, she carried the platter of partially eaten cake from the coffee table to the kitchen, considering the bombshell of discovering a half-brother you never knew existed.

Had Grayson Cole known? Or had his mother kept a whole loving family secret from him, too? Either possibility was downright shitty.

Would Asher’s parents make it through this? Having celebrated thirty-five years together, even she had to say, it would be a shame if they didn’t. Seeing the whole family together the evening of the anniversary party, it was clear they were close. She hoped they worked it out and weathered the scandal for Asher’s sake—and his brothers and sisters.

After covering the cake, she smothered a tired yawn, located his coffee, and started a pot to brew. While waiting, she couldn’t help replaying bits and pieces of them together, only a few short hours ago. The more she thought about everything, the more her heart and her mind struggled over the awesomeness/folly of her decision to stay.

The sex was great—lust she could reconcile with her mind. But wanting to stay and just be near him—that was her heart talking all the way. She needed to keep it purely physical, but how in the world was she supposed to do that when she liked him more than she’d ever liked anyone?

Her head was starting to hurt when she spotted a loaf of bread on his counter. Seizing the distraction, she checked the refrigerator to confirm he had milk and eggs, then whipped up a large batch of French toast while mentally prioritizing her upcoming week.

One cake had to be delivered Saturday, the other on Sunday morning, but both had a ton of elaborate add-ons, so she needed to start the detail work ahead of time before baking on Wednesday and Thursday. There was enough to do that she could even start tonight, despite the fact it was supposed to be her day off.

Lifting her coffee mug for a sip, she flipped the last slice of bread in the pan. The scuff of footsteps from behind alerted her Asher was up, but before she could turn, his arms slid around her waist. He pressed his warm lips to her neck, his scruff-covered chin scraping her skin. She tilted her head, giving him better access as his solid heat at her back woke every cell in her body in a way coffee never could.

“Good morning.” He sucked in a deep inhale against her neck. “Something smells good.”

“That’s the French toast.”

“No, it’s you,” he murmured. “But what’s the deal here? I was supposed to make you breakfast.”

Her first instinct was to tell him he could make breakfast next time. Instead, she checked herself and lifted the shoulder his chin wasn’t resting on. “I was up.”

His hips nudged her backside. “So am I.”

“I noticed,” she said with a smile. It was a heady feeling knowing how much he wanted her.

When he lifted a hand to turn her head so he could cover her mouth with his, she blindly set her mug on the counter, then spun around and wrapped an arm around his neck to lose herself in his kiss.

Mmm. He smelled all male while tasting minty fresh. Better yet, he was hard and warm and mostly naked in his black boxer briefs.

His touch roamed up and down her back, pressing her close as if he couldn’t get enough of her even though he’d had her not that long ago. One hand palmed her ass and tugged her hips tight against his erection.

Her body throbbed in anticipation as she nipped at his bottom lip. “You’re insatiable.”

“I told you, I can never have enough cake.”

“Oh, is that what you’re calling it now?”


sp; His other hand rose, cupping the back of her neck while his thumb brushed her face in that way that made her feel so special. “You are the cake, Honor. Not sex.”

“I thought I was frosting?”

“You’re that, too. Basically, you’re anything and everything that’s good.”

Her heart thumped hard at the warm look in his eyes. A girl could get used to this.

But what happens when I get used to it and then it’s gone?

She stiffened in his arms a second before a knock sounded at the front door. His hold eased, a frown drawing his dark brows down as his gaze held hers for a heart-stopping moment before shifting toward the sound. Honor pulled her arm down from around his neck and turned back to the stove.

“Um…you’re going to need to get that,” he said.

She half-turned toward him. “It’s your house.”

“Well, if I go, whoever it is will think I’m really happy to see them.”