She gave the two women a quick smile and wave before slipping into Asher’s bedroom. With her gaze and mind focused on the bed, she shut the door behind her and flipped the lock.

“Took you long enough to get up here.”

She gasped and whirled around, her heart in her throat as she saw Asher lounging against the wall next to the door.

“Don’t do that,” she exclaimed as she smacked him in the chest—his firm, muscled chest encased in a snowy white shirt to go with his tux. It felt like déjà vu from the last time she’d been up in this room.

As if reading her mind, he grinned and reached to catch her hand to tug her close. “Need help with your zipper?”

She rolled her eyes even as a grin tugged at her own mouth. “I have to get dressed, Asher. You’re supposed to be at the guest house.”

“Guys don’t need an entourage to get dressed. You’ve been so busy this week, I haven’t gotten near enough cake.”

It had been a crazy week with Celia’s large cake, plus two smaller ones on her calendar. She’d missed him, too, seeing as each night she’d worked past one a.m. just to get everything done. Three days ago, they’d managed to steal an hour together for themselves, but other than that, she’d been asleep almost before her head hit the pillow, while he spooned close from behind.

With one hand pressed to his chest, Honor rose up on her tiptoes and kissed his chin. “You can have all the cake you want at the reception.”

“What if I want some now?”

Her pulse skipped and her breath hitched with anticipation. “We don’t have time.”

“The ceremony isn’t for another forty-five minutes. Your job is done already, and I’m only an usher.”

Celia had refused to let him be the official photographer because she wanted her brother to enjoy the wedding, not work the whole time.

“Ushers are supposed to seat people,” Honor pointed out. “You know, before the ceremony.”

“Merit’s down there.” He dipped his head to nuzzle her neck. “Well, either there or the wine cellar. I saw him chatting up the best man’s sister on my way up.”

She hummed with pleasure as his tongue stroked against her skin, and every breath she took teased her with Asher’s sexy cologne. She shouldn’t give in, but the man knew exactly how to wear down her resistance and make sure she loved every second of it.

“Celia’s guests are probably wandering around aimlessly, wondering where to go.”

“If they can’t figure that out, then let them wander.” His breath was warm against her ear, his large hands firm on her hips as he tugged her against his erection. “Gimmie me some frosting, Butter Cream.”

Honor hadn’t been able to get him to stop calling her that, but at least he only did it in private. And truth be told, she loved the nickname, because she loved him. Snaking her arm up and around his neck, she said, “As long as you help me with my zipper after.”


Dinner was done, cake had been cut, and Asher had just finished his second serving of cake for the day. He was definitely going for thirds as soon as the bride and groom departed and it was okay for him to take Honor home.

But that wouldn’t be for a couple of hours yet, so for now he stood behind her, his arms wrapped around her middle, his head resting against hers as they swayed to the music while they watched the wedding party and the parents out on the dance floor.

Her dress had been messing with his head from the moment she’d slipped it up her gorgeous, naked body. Turns out she didn’t have a zipper, but she’d had him tie the halter top behind her neck. When he’d trailed his fingers down the exposed length of her spine, she’d shivered and he’d had to resist taking her again. They had had a wedding to get to.

The whole afternoon and evening, sexual awareness simmered between them even as contentment permeated every pore of his body.

His body stirred yet again, and looking for a distraction, he focused on his parents swaying to the music, looking as much in love as the bride and groom. One would never guess the rocky path they’d navigated a few short months ago. After the tequila shots with Honor and her mother, his mom had gone home to work things out. Even after the second DNA test proved Grayson was his father’s son, his parents’ bond was stronger than ever as they worked the campaign side by side as a newly reunited team.

Asher swept his gaze around the ballroom, like he’d done every so often during the evening. Each time he located Loyal, he reconfirmed which brother he was looking at, then kept searching.

“No sign of Grayson all night,” he commented.

“This would’ve been a huge deal for him to come to when he’s only just started to talk to all of you.”

Everyone but Loyal. “I know. I still hoped.”

Honor rubbed her hand over his forearm. “He’ll come around eventually. It’s only been a few months. You have to give him time.”