Honor laughed. “So we’re back to calling it that?”

“It’ll be our code word.” He tapped a finger on her nose before sliding his hands down along her back. “Good plan, don’t you think?”

“Browbeating and kidnapping? Sounds a little caveman-like to me.”

“I meant the code word was a good plan.” Then he shrugged. “But a man’s got to do what a man’s got to do.”

“I probably would’ve beat you over the head with my rolling pin.”

“You’re totally over-looking the seduction part. I know how much you love my stick shift.” He waggled his eyebrows.

She was sprawled on top of him completely naked and still her face heated. “This is getting to be too much.”

He shifted his hips beneath her, and the flush in her cheeks spread through her whole body when she felt he was hard.

“Again?” But she wasn’t complaining really. She wanted more, too. With him, she’d take more for the rest of their lives.

“If I’ve told you once, I’ve told you a dozen times. I can never—”

“—have too much cake,” she finished with him.

Returning his grin, she rose up to straddle his hips and lost herself in the bliss of loving Asher. Of course life wouldn’t always be easy; she fully expected they’d have some curveballs to deal with at some point, but something this good was worth whatever work and risk it took to keep it.

She now believed with all her heart and soul, with the two of them together, anything was possible.

Most especially love.


Honor put the finishing touches on Celia Diamond’s square, four tier wedding cake, then stood back to make sure every flower and pearl accent was in place. The white drape cake was deceptively simple looking, yet timelessly elegant with its pearl accents and red and white edible roses. Mid-afternoon sunlight streamed through ballroom windows of the Diamond mansion, but the air conditioning kept the early August heat at bay, ensuring the frosting would be safe.

And the guests cool as well, she thought with a humorous tug at her lips.

A soft gasp came from her right, and then the bride stepped up beside her. “Oh, my God, Honor, it’s amazing,” she whispered. “Thank you so much for doing this for us.”

“I was thrilled to be asked. Just remember, though, cakes are for eating. That’s why you chose a different flavor for each tier.”

“I’m going to have some of each one,” she vowed with a grin. “And after watching everything I ate for the past two months, I’m going to enjoy every bite.”


Though Celia wore leggings and a button-up shirt, her make-up was done perfectly, her dark bob a combination of artful curls and loose braids, accented by red tea roses. She was always beautiful, but today the word stunning was appropriate.

Honor couldn’t wait to see her dress.

“Shouldn’t you be getting dressed? What if Robert sees you?”

“He’s down at the guest house with the guys, but yes, I’m going to put my dress on now. Elena said you’d arrived with the cake and I just had to come take a quick peek.” Her smile radiated pure joy. “It’s going to be a great day.”

“Yes, it is,” Honor agreed as she gave her a quick hug. “Enjoy every moment.”

“I plan to. Are you coming upstairs to get changed?”

“As soon as I get my dress from the car.”

“I’ll see you when it’s time,” she said as she departed with a happy grin.

A few minutes later Honor carried her dress bag up to the second floor. Unlike three months ago, the hallway was busy with the wedding planner’s employees, a couple bridesmaids, and Elena and her daughter, Solana. Honor had met the entire Torrez family at the rehearsal dinner the night before and liked each one of them.