“You came home moping, and you’ve actually been pleasant to Silvie.”

Disgruntled, Jessie grumbled, “I like Silvie.”

“I’m glad to finally hear it. Now, why don’t you tell me about this man I need to kill?”

Jessie didn’t want to talk about Red with her dad. She had told him everything about Will, down to the hidden cameras, and had even talked to him the day after Will had attacked her in Loco, but for some reason, she didn’t want her father to think less of Red.

Because you still care about him, doofus.

She didn’t want to, though. She had been ignoring his texts and phone calls for days, and each time she heard his deep drawl on her voice mail, she wanted to give in.

“He didn’t do anything, Dad. It just didn’t work out.”

Her dad reached across and took her hand. “Then it’s his loss, huh?”

She nodded, even though she didn’t believe it.

Her dad patted her hand and said, “Dinner is almost ready.”

As he left her alone, her phone chirped. She picked it up and smiled. It was a text from Rand.

Hey, how are you?

Leaning back in the chair, she tapped out: Okay, just sitting on the porch. How are you?

Her phone chirped again, and Jessie’s heart sank. He really misses you. I think you should come home.

She set the phone on her chest and wished people would stop giving her their opinions. As Rand’s text sank in, she realized that this place, with her father and Silvie, wasn’t home. Home was in the arms of a big, drawling Texas man, and she bit her lip as her sobs started coming in full force.

If only her damn heart could forget about the way he smiled at her with his blue eyes dancing, but it seemed like every time she closed her eyes, he was there.

He didn’t deserve her heart or her tears, but for some reason, he still had both.

* * *

Red stared at the email and cursed.

His editor wanted his dedication, and he had no idea what to say. He’d been staring at the screen for over two hours and nothing.

A knock on his trailer door brought instant relief, until he opened it and saw Rand.


“I know you’re pissed because you think we ganged up on you, but you need to suck it up, because I have a peace offering,” she said, holding out a Post-it.

He looked down at the address written on it and sucked in his breath. “How did you get her address?”

“Margie. Apparently, she left some things at the hotel and asked Margie to ship them.”

He stared at the address and said, “She doesn’t want anything to do with me.”

“So change her mind. You’re good at that.”

“Considering my past ventures into romance I don’t see it.”

Rand reached out and squeezed his hand. “You once gave me a pep talk, so let me return the favor.”
