Something was done to you that wasn’t your fault. It doesn’t make you any less decent or good.
Jessie wished she could believe the voice in her head.
Red came walking in ten minutes before the end of the first movie, and before she could even say hello, he was spinning her into his arms for a long kiss. When he finally broke it, she laughed. “What was that for?”
“I just sent off my next manuscript for my editor. I can finally breathe and the first thing I thought of was seeing you.”
“You just saw me this morning.”
Secretly, happiness bubbled inside her at his words, especially since she’d just been thinking he’d stopped wanting her.
“Yes, but this is more of a triumphant hello.”
“Well, can I get you a beer, then, to celebrate?”
“Fantastic idea!”
She tried to stop the giddiness she felt as he took her hand and spun her around. It was hard not to fall for Red when he was excited and silly.
Wait, what?
No, she couldn’t do that. She couldn’t fall head over heels for a guy who might have one foot out the door.
She popped the top off his Bud as the credits rolled. “Okay, what’s next?”
“The Longest Yard!”
Arguing broke out and so she put it to a vote. When they chose The Longest Yard, she asked her runner, Darla, to put the disk in.
“So, what else do you want to do to celebrate?” she asked Red as she wiped off the bar.
“Not sure. What time are you getting out of here?”
“Definitely not cow tipping.”
“Hmm, mailbox baseball?”
“You want me to get arrested, don’t you?” He took her hand and squeezed it. “I’m sure we can think of something.”
Her heart jumped at his suggestive tone. “Oh yeah, like what?”
“Um, Jessie?” Darla called.
Jessie looked up and realized the entire room was silent. “What’s wrong?”
“What are you doing?” she heard her own voice ask.
Jessie froze, her gaze shooting to the TV screen, where her worst nightmare was playing on four screens.
There she was, taking off her top with a seductive smile, Will lying across their bed, shirtless. She had asked Will the question, and he sat up now, crooking his finger at her.
“I want to try something new.”
“For fuck’s sake, Darla, turn it off!” Red yelled. The screen when blank and suddenly, Jessie was brought back to the present. She was standing in the middle of her bar, with a hundred eyes watching her, waiting for her to say something, but she couldn’t.