ezed the firm cheeks and felt his smile against her lips.

He broke the kiss to open the condom, but his hands were too slippery. When she took it from him and used her teeth on it, his eyes darkened to a stormy ocean blue, and her muscles clenched in anticipation. She took the condom and slipped it over the length of his cock. She’d barely covered him before his hands were gripping the back of her thighs, lifting her against the wall. Jessie wrapped her arms and legs around him as he adjusted himself at her entrance.

When he thrust inside, hard and fast, she screamed and curled her hands into the muscles of his shoulder. Using short, swift movements, he never fully left her body, and between the warmth curling inside and the massage of the water, her muscles relaxed and the tension built inside with each push and pull of their bodies.

His mouth trailed over her neck and shoulder. She tilted her head up to take his wet kiss, a powerful shudder shaking her to her core as she came. She was probably leaving imprints of her nails in his back but couldn’t help it. It was just too good.

His rhythm became jerky, and his cock flexed inside her just before he groaned against her mouth, pumping into her until his own trembles subsided.

When she could finally breathe again, she whispered, “I don’t know about you, but I feel much cleaner now.”

Chapter Fourteen

Two weeks later, Jessie was wiping down the bar after the lunch rush, humming to herself, when her phone rang. Her life had been going so well, she had been half expecting a glitch of some sort, but nothing had happened yet. Red was wonderful, the bar was great, and the town had embraced her (and her sports package).

She looked at the caller ID and picked up with a smile. “Hey, Amber, what are you doing?”

Amber was her best friend from college, and they still talked every once in a while.

“Hey, Jess,” Amber said, her tone filled with something…was it worry? Concern? Whatever it was, it made Jessie’s chest tighten as she waited for the bombshell. “Look, I wanted to make sure someone had called you—”

“He’s out, isn’t he?”

“Yeah, I bumped into him yesterday. It freaked me out, and I just thank God Troy was there. Something about the questions he was asking creeped me out.”

“What did he want to know?”

“What you were doing and if you were happy? Maybe you should get another restraining order—”

“No, because if they do that, then they have to give him my address. Right now, he thinks I’m still in California, and he can’t leave the state if he’s on parole, so I’m good.”

“Yeah, because no one has ever risked a parole violation to go after what they want.”

“I’ll be fine, I swear. So, how is Troy?”

“Good, he got a new job. Twice the pay, so we’re thinking of buying a house…”

As Amber went on to share more of her good news, Jessie tried to rationalize her fear.

He can’t get to you. He has no way of knowing where you are. Stop obsessing.

“You are freaking out, aren’t you?”


“You always get super quiet when you’re stressing.”

“No, I’m okay. Really, I am just distracted with work. Can I call you later?”

“Sure. I miss you.”

“I miss you too.”

Jessie hung up and realized her hands were shaking.

* * *

Red was at Jitter Bug Coffee Shop on Friday, working on his edits, when a lean guy with a gray hipster beanie walked in. He had tattoos going up his neck above the collar of his jacket and looked shifty.