“Have lots of hot sex.”
“I’m in.”
* * *
“Seriously, you wanted to go cow tipping?”
Wednesday had come rather swiftly, especially since they’d been grabbing every spare moment together. When they weren’t making out in the storage room of her bar, they were in her hotel room. Not that Red was complaining, but this…well, for a
first date, this wasn’t what he imagined.
Jessie laughed softly as she climbed the fence to Rand’s cow pasture. “What? I’ve never done it before.”
“That’s because it’s an old wives’ tale! You can’t really tip a cow.”
“You’re just saying that.”
“Well, maybe, but this isn’t a good idea. If Rand’s foreman catches us out here, he might shoot first and ask questions later.”
“Stop being such a sissy.”
“I told you getting arrested was off the table for tonight.”
She ignored his muttering as she stepped quietly, her breath fogging in the cold. Jessie told herself that the occasional squish beneath her feet was just mud, and not a cow pie. She walked up alongside the cow, and it was so big, her outstretched hands were placed about three feet apart. It was too dark to see their feet, but she could imagine one well place hoof could crush her foot or bust a few ribs. She had been around cows at the state fair in California, but this was different. These cows weren’t behind fences. Well, they were, but now she was right there with them.
Before she lost her nerve, she placed two hands on the side of the cow and pushed.
And jumped a foot in the air when the cow let out an alarmed bellow and instead of falling over, took off running.
And then all the cows were running.
She heard Red’s alarmed shout just before he wrapped his arms around her and carried her out of the way. They huddled by the fence as the cows took off toward the house. Jessie’s heart was beating a river dance in her chest.
“That is the last time you pick a date-night activity,” Red muttered.
Laughing breathlessly, she slipped her arms around his waist and grinned. “Are you kidding? That was awesome!”
“It wouldn’t have been awesome if I hadn’t jumped in there and pulled you to safety. You would have hoof prints on your back.”
“But I don’t, thanks to you.”
She was up on her tiptoes, trying to kiss him, when a gunshot rang out.
“Shit.” Before she could ask, he threw her over his shoulder and headed toward the low fence they’d just come over. “Let’s get the hell out of here.”
He helped her climb over the fence and jumped it after her. As they raced to the Charger and dove inside, Jessie couldn’t stop laughing hysterically. “Come on, that was fun.”
“Woman, you are insane,” Red said as he started the car.
She flicked his ear. “Don’t call me woman.”
Red pulled out onto the highway, looking so disgruntled she reached out to run her hand across his neck. “Aw, don’t be mad.”
“I am not mad,” he grumbled, and she leaned across the middle to kiss his throat.
“You seem mad.”
“Well, I’m not.” His tone had lightened as she ran her hand over his abdomen.