“I don’t remember that. I just remember he liked to yell at her when he lost money.”

His lip curled in disgust. “I don’t know what to say except if I could go back, I don’t know if I’d change anything.”

She pulled her hand back at his hurtful confession and yelled, “But you could have made her happy. You could have had more time together.”

He shook his head. “I could never have made her as happy as you did, Rand. She loved you more than life.”

It took a moment for that to sink in. “She could have had other children with you.”

He laughed bitterly. “Maybe, if I’d been home long enough, but who would have raised them when she was gone? I didn’t finish my twenty until after she had passed and honestly, with the example I had, I don’t know how good of a father I would have been.” He paused before continuing, “And like I said, she wouldn’t have had you and neither would I.”

He stood up and put his hand on her shaking shoulder and whispered, “I let you come over initially because you were her daughter and I wanted to know you. But I grew to love you for all your feistiness and heart. If I had ever had a daughter, I would have wanted her to be just like you.”

She couldn’t stop the sobs that wracked her body as she stood and threw herself against Earl, dampening his rough work shirt with her tears. He rubbed her back and she felt his tears wet her hair as he whispered, “Shhh, sweetheart, don’t cry for me or your mama. God only gives us so much time on this earth and has a plan for all of us. I got to love your mama for a little while and for some reason, she loved me back. She might not have been happy with your daddy but she got you, and I know she wouldn’t have traded you for anything. And then, when I was at my worst, he sent you my way. You were my little sharp-tongued angel.”

She choked on a laugh. “Only you and Jake can make the most insulting things sound like the sweetest compliments.”

His own chest rumbled with a chuckle. “That’s what happens when you love someone. Even when you’re fighting, there isn’t anyone you’d rather fight with.”

She smiled and asked, “Did you and mama fight?”

He snorted. “I said she was sweet, I

never said she wasn’t stubborn.”

She pulled back and begged, “Tell me about her. Please.”

In the three hours before Jake returned for her, Earl showed her another side of her mother. Her mother had always been wonderful, but had an underlying sadness. The girl Earl knew had been free and so filled with joy and mischief, it made her leave his house smiling. Her mother might have been miserable with her father, but she knew one thing for sure.

Her mother had loved and been loved in return. Unselfishly with no conditions or restrictions.

And Rand found herself wanting the same thing.

Rand was exhausted by the time they got home from Earl’s place. She changed her clothes and went out to check on the animals, smacking Jake’s hand away from her butt as she passed him. “Uh uh. I’m still mad at you!”

“For what?” He demanded.

“For teasing me in church today.”

He chased after her, making her shriek as he grabbed her around the waist. “Let me go! I’ve got chores to do!”

His fingers trailed over her ribs and she squealed, “Stop!” She slapped at his hands and reached up to yank on his hair.

“Ouch. Little brat, I’ll fix your wagon.” He picked her up and started dragging her back toward the couch.

She yanked his hair again and he yowled. She wasn’t really trying to hurt him, so she released his hair. Trying to be a reasonable adult, she turned her head to ask, “Are you o-uff…”

His mouth covered hers and he used his hands on her waist to turn her in his arms, his tongue slipping inside to play with hers. Initially surprised, her body reacted as it always did when Jake kissed her. Turned to moldable jello and let him do whatever he wished.

The back of her legs hit the couch and she stumbled, falling back onto the cushions. He climbed over her, fitting their bodies from chest to pelvis and she could feel every hard, solid inch of him. Especially the part that was hard and solid through his jeans.

He brought his mouth down just over hers and smiled. “Are you ready to admit defeat and apologize?”

She was so engrossed in those tiny flecks in his green eyes her voice came out dazed. “Apologize? For wh…”

He brushed his mouth over hers so lightly she raised her head up when he pulled away and whimpered. Her eyes opened to see amusement and heat ruminating in those gorgeous eyes and he tried again. “How about now?”

“You’re such a tease.” She said as she reached up to the back of his head and pulled his mouth down to hers. She slid her hand over the muscles of his back and kneaded them like a cat. The intensity rose and his hips pressed down against her, rubbing back and forth. She slipped her hands down to his hips, trying to get closer to him and rubbed her throbbing center against the hard bulge in his jeans. She felt his fingers nimbly slipping the buttons of her flannel shirt open and when his hand slid inside and cupped her breast, rubbing the sensitive nipple with his thumb, she jerked and moaned.