“Yes ma’am.”
His mama hugged him next and murmured, “So happy for you, baby.”
“Thanks mama.” His mother gave him a wink before turning to leave, the rest of the guests falling in behind her to say their goodbyes.
Jake thanked them all, until the last soul walked out the front door and he turned to face Rand. “Alone at last.”
He watched her turn to walk down the hallway and go into her room, leaving him alone without a word.
What the hell?
He went after her and knocked. “Rand? Hey, everyone knows I was just kidding about the ripping the clothes off thing.”
He heard her moving around and the knob turned. Rand poked her head out and she whimpered, “I thought I could get this thing off, but I need your help.”
“What thing?” Please say everything.
“Well, my dress to start. I told you, I can’t breathe, but turns out I can’t get it or this damn painful contraption off without assistance.” She stepped back and he moved into the room with her.
She turned her back to him and he made swift work of the long row of buttons down her back. He came around her front and helped her slip the dress down her body so she could step out of it. His gaze traveled from the white stockings on her feet, up her long legs and the swell of her hips. Up over her corset clad waist to the gorgeous mounds rising above the neckline of the lingerie. She was going to have to rip his eyes out because there was no way he could look away from all of the creamy goodness he’d exposed.
Her hands flew up and she cried out, “Hey now! You’re supposed to be helping not ogling!
“How in the hell am I not supposed to look when you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen?”
Her hands fluttered and his eyes trailed all the way up to catch hers when she whispered, “That’s not funny.”
“Do I look like I’m laughing?” He couldn’t have laughed if he wanted to. He was so hard any movement would have caused him physical pain and his whole being wanted nothing more than to satisfy every urge with the woman standing in nothing but satin and lace.
“It’s just the make-up and the hair making you say that. Or the fact that I’m your wife and according to your code of honor I’m the only woman you can…”
He stood up and yanked her against him. She squeaked out the last word…”have.”
He reached out and ran his hand down her cheek, slid it along her throat until it rested just under her twist of hair on her neck. “Rand, it’s not the make-up or the hair or the corset. It’s you. You are pure perfection, honey.”
Whatever her pretty little mouth was going to say was stopped by his lips coming down on hers.
If she thought the corset had made it hard to breathe, Jake’s kiss made it downright impossible. His hands slipped down over her back to the laces, and while his lips never left hers, his hands made fast work of the ties that held her sucked in tight. The air rushed out when he broke the kiss and pulled the back of the corset apart.
“Oh…” she said, leaning into him as her head spun.
He caught her to him and helped her sit with a smile. “Let’s get this damn thing off you.”
She couldn’t agree more as he unhooked the front and opened it wide, sliding his hands in to push it to the floor. Wrapping his arms all the way around, he pushed her back onto the bed and followed her down, falling on top.
Laughing at his hurried motions as he jerked off his jacket and tossed it across the room, she kicked off her heels and helped him untuck his shirt as he removed his bow-tie. Her fingers worked on the buttons of his shirt front while he took off his cufflinks and they finished at the same time. Both the crisp white shirt and the undershirt beneath were thrown aside and he bent down to kiss her, finding her breast with his wide palm.
She reached between them for his belt, going by feel as she arched against his touch and kisses. Finally freeing the leather from the metal buckle, she unsnapped his button and opened his zipper, slipping her hand inside to find him hard and ready.
He stopped kissing her long enough to shuck his dress pants and briefs. He stood before her, gloriously naked, in nothing but his socks that he soon discarded and she licked her lips as he reached out and yanked her underwear down her legs. Leaving her thigh highs, he grabbed a condom from his pants and ripped it open, rolling the latex over his engorged flesh. She bucked when he placed his hand between her legs, playing with her folds..
“I can’t wait. God, Rand…”
She hugged his hips and locked her ankles behind his back as he slipped between her legs and rubbed the head of his cock against her opening, pushing forward. There was no pain this time, only the sweet sensation of him filling and stretching her channel until he was seated to the hilt.
She ran her hands over his shoulders and arms with a smile as she rocked her hips and a zing of excitement shot though her.
Jake drew back and pushed in, using short, shallow strokes that rubbed her outsides as they massaged her insides and she felt the heavy, thigh trembling build up that told her she was getting closer to that overwhelming, soul soaring explosion of pleasure.