He jumped onto the bed before she could respond, slipping his hand behind her neck and running his tongue over her lips. When they parted softly he whispered, “And you’re going to like you’re punishment. A lot.”

He didn’t waste any time slipping his hands down, grasping the bottom of her shirt and lifting it off. He stared down at her in her simple white bra, reached out and cupped her breasts reverently. He molded them with his hands and felt her body shake in response.

He kissed her mouth, her cheek, her neck. “You are so perfect.”

He slipped his hands around to the clasp at her back and released it deftly. Her hands flew up to hold the bra against her chest and pleaded shyly, “Can we turn the light off, please.”

He didn’t argue, just flipped it off and kneeled in front of her. He moved her hands and pulled the bra straps down her arms gently. He rested his hands on her waist and kissed her, bringing his chest against hers and rubbing. He felt her nipples tighten, and ran his hands back up to stroke them. She made a little breathy sound against his mouth and he deepened the kiss as he manipulated the little buds with his thumb and forefinger. He moved his mouth away from hers, dipped his head and took first one nipple, then the other, into his mouth and swirle

d it with his tongue. He sucked gently, teased the flesh until he felt her fingers gripping his head and her body arching.

He was taken by surprise by a violent cramp in his stomach. He pulled away from her with a gasp and her voice came out dazed and worried, “What’s wrong?”

A wave of nausea hit him like a freight train and he pulled away with a curse as he stumbled to the bathroom and proceeded to vomit the contents of his stomach into the toilet. He heard Rand scuffling around in the bedroom and the light flipped on. The light and the next cramp sent him back to having his face in the toilet.

He groaned as he hung his head and said hoarsely, “Get out of here, Rand.”

She snorted and he heard the water turn on. A cool cloth pressed against the back of his neck and it felt wonderful, but the last thing he wanted was her to think about him puking every time he went to touch her. Somebody upstairs had a sick sense of humor. Right when he was about to…

Another round of retching and she rubbed his back the whole time. “It’s not like you’ve never done this for me.”

He started to laugh, but it ended in a groan of pain. “This is different.”

“True. Now you’re not just my best friend, you’re about to be my husband. It’s my job to care for you.”

He turned his head slightly to catch her eye and said wryly, “This wasn’t exactly how I wanted you to ‘take care’ of me.”

“Me neither, but it’s okay. We’ll have other chances.”

He hoped so, because at the moment, he wasn’t sure he wasn’t about to die, the pain was so excruciating. As he cursed and shook with waves of hot and cold, he was comforted by her soft voice and stroking hands. When the first waves of illness finally subsided, she helped him back into the bed and pulled the sheet over him. She climbed in behind him and spooned him, trailing her fingers over his temple.

He tried to keep his eyes open, but he was so exhausted that he only managed, “Thank you.” Before his eyes slid closed and oblivion took over.

He felt her breath on his shoulder blade, like she’d whispered something, but that was it. He drifted off before he could ask her what she said.

Chapter Twelve

Rand ran a hand over Jake’s forehead on Sunday morning and was relieved to see he finally had a bit of color back in his cheeks. He hadn’t mentioned hearing what she’d said to him the night before and she’d just assumed he must have already fallen asleep.

Or he didn’t want to embarrass you.

She hadn’t meant to tell him she loved him, it had just slipped out. She’d tried to tell herself it was a fluke, brought on by heightened emotions and hormones. It was like how she felt when she had to care for a motherless calf. They needed her and she grew attached. Jake was her best friend and he’d needed her. Of course she loved him.

But not like she wanted to give her heart and soul to him. He would never hurt her; she knew that, at least not on purpose.

But it didn’t mean he’d stick around once his obligation was met.

And once he was gone, she would have to learn to live without him. It would be hard enough without bringing love into the mix.

No, she couldn’t afford to fall in love with him.

She went out to feed and cleaned up the house while he slept, before she made some chicken noodle soup for his breakfast. She snuck back in to peek at him and he was still snoozing. He looked so peaceful she hated to wake him, but she wanted to make sure he ate something before she left for Earls. She had skipped church this morning because she hadn’t wanted to be away from him all day, but a couple of hours wouldn’t be a problem. At least she hoped not.

When Red came by to find out why they’d missed church, she told him Jake was sick, and Red went back to visit for a bit. After a few minutes, she walked down the hallway and stood in the doorway, listening as Red teased Jake. .

“So, Rand’s trying to get rid of you already, huh? What kind of poison do you think she used?”

Jake gave a little laugh and grimaced. “Actually, it was the waitress that kept flirting with her. Guess she figured with me out of the way, Rand would be hers.”