He smiled at the perky blond waitress. “Well, hi ya Tandy, I’ll have a beer and can you make sure it comes out ice cold, darlin’?”

Tandy bobbed her head. “Sure can, and how bout you honey?”

Jake saw Rand was scowling at him, and he had no idea why. He watched her transfer her gaze to Tandy and her frown eased. Slightly. “I’ll just have a coke, thanks.”

Tandy stared at Rand for a bit before her smile widened. “Coming right up.”

Jake’s gaze was focused on Rand and not at the sassy blonde’s retreat when he asked, “Why are you looking at me like you want to string me up?”

She looked down at the menu in her hands and snapped, “I’m not.”

He watched her concentrate on her menu with her forehead wrinkled and smirked. He reached out and touched her menu but she ignored him.

Man, the woman was sulking about something.

“Well I don’t know what twisted your girdle, but you picked a fine time to start acting like a typical woman,” he teased, trying to get a rise out of her.

She slapped her menu down and hissed, “I just don’t get why you need to flirt with any girl who bats her lashes at you.”

He couldn’t be more surprised if she lifted her shirt and flashed him. “I wasn’t flirting with her, I was just being friendly.”

She batted her lashes at him and mimicked, “Oh darlin’ would you mind making sure my beer is ice cold?”

“First of all, I don’t sound anything like that, and second of all, I am nice to waitresses so they don’t spit in my food.” The last was said with a grimace just thinking about it.

He saw her lip twitch and her expression start to ease before she snapped her scowl back in place. “Right.”

Rand usually just rolled her eyes or made snorts of disgust when she thought he was flirting. He reached out and grabbed her hand, holding fast when she tried to yank it away. “Are you jealous?”

“Here ya go. Extra cold beer and a coke.” Jake caught her looking at Rand appraisingly as she said, “I just love your top. Where did you get it?”

Rand pulled her hand away from him and he covered his smile with his hand as she looked surprised by the compliment. “I don’t remember.”

Tandy leaned on the table and the woman’s look was downright sultry. “Well it looks awesome on you.”

Jake blinked. The girl wasn’t being friendly. She was flirting…with Rand.

Rand seemed oblivious to Tandy’s interest. “I got it as a present for my birthday, and was going to take it back, but my granddaddy couldn’t find the receipt.”

Tandy actually batted her lashes. “Well that would have been a damn shame.”

Alright, it was funny at first, but that was too much. “I’ll have the chicken enchiladas with two tacos.” Both women turned to stare at him and he focused all of his attention on Rand, “Honey, what do you want to eat?”

Rand looked back up at Tandy when she answered. “I’ll have a bean and cheese burrito with rice and beans.”

“Coming right up,” Tandy said.

Her smiled faded when her gaze shifted to him, her expression downright hostile. This time he watched her walk away and turned back to Rand with wide eyes. “Did you see that?”

“You checking out our waitress,” Rand asked with false sweetness.

It was his turn to be angry. “No, the glare she sent me.”

“Right because women usually glare at you.”

> Jake said very patiently, “Rand honey, I have no interest in that woman and I’m telling you, I am not her type.”

“How do you know that?”