“Brick.” He leaned over the table and asked, “Can I get you a drink?”
Rand shook her head. “No thanks, I just had one with my friends.”
He looked around the dance floor and asked, “So where are your girls?”
Rand looked for them too and found only Jamie dancing with Mr. Piercing. “There’s one.”
“So I guess that means you’re stuck with me.” His smile was smarmy and made her skin crawl.
Rand got up. “Actually, it means I get to go to the ladies room.”
She started to walk away but he reached out to grab her arm. She opened her mouth to give him a great big piece of her mind, but he spun her to him and she fell against him, unbalanced by the alcohol and motion.
She glared up at him once she got her bearings. “Let go of me.”
He held her tighter and said cheerfully, “I don’t think I will.”
She twisted in his arms, trying to get enough space to knee him in the balls, but he moved his body to the side, as if he could read her mind. “Now, now. Be nice.”
“Let go of me! I’m married.”
He laughed. “Oh yeah, then where’s your hubby?”
“He’s on his way, he just got held up.”
He gave her a look that said he didn’t believe her. “Sure.”
He started moving her towards the darkened hallway with the green exit sign above it. They kept bumping into couple after couple and no one was paying attention. Either they were too drunk or stupid to realize they weren’t just dancing.
She began struggling in earnest when he leaned down and breathed against her ear, “Let’s take a little walk, honey.”
Taking advantage of him stopping, she slammed her heel down on his insole and wanted to laugh when she realized the idiot was wearing sneakers instead of boots. He dropped at her feet with a howl and she moved away from him yelling, “You sick bastard, I should stomp your balls too!”
She felt a hand on her arm and turned to find a big, burly guy in a shirt that read Security frowning down at her.
Red’s cell phone chirped as they parked in front of The Jukebox. Tabitha had already texted Red an hour ago to let him know where they were and Jake was anxious to get out and find Rand.
Red looked down at his phone and cursed. “We should probably hurry up. Apparently, Rand just assaulted someone.”
Jake grinned for the first time in a week. “That’s my girl.”
Jake and Red made it past the bouncer and Jake searched the place for any sign of Rand and found her smiling up at some no neck security guard. Tabitha and Jamie stood behind her with two guys and another security guy was holding some angry guy by his arm.
Jake felt his whole body stiffen at the sight of the weasely bastard glaring at Rand and knew he’d been the man she’d assaulted. He started toward them and watched no neck say something to the guard that held weasel. Weasel looked like he was protesting as the guard dragged him out of the club and Jake was tempted to go after him, but watching the way no neck was eyeballing his wife made Jake’s teeth set on edge. Weasel man would have to keep.
Jake pushed through the crowd with Red at his back and when Rand caught sight of him, her face brightened for a half a second before it snapped into a scowl. “What are you doing here?”
No neck’s look wasn’t friendly when he asked, “Who’s this guy?”
“I’m her husband.” Jake snarled.
No neck turned to Rand and asked, “You gonna be okay?”
The smile she flashed no neck was too friendly to suit Jake. “Thanks for your help J.R.”
“Anytime darlin’. You got a problem, you come see me.” No neck shot Jake an unfriendly look as he passed and Jake took a good look at his Rand in a skin tight red halter top, short jean skirt and cowboy boots and exploded, “What the hell are you wearing?!”
Rand ignored him and smiled at Red. “Hey Red! Would you like to dance with me?”