Red’s face was blank as he asked, “Well, what do you want to talk about?”

Jake glared at him and snapped, “None of your damn business.”

Red grinned at him. “Now doesn’t that sound just like your wife? It’s too bad you guys hit such a rough patch, cause if I know Tabby, she’s probably going to drag Rand out to a club in a tube top.”

Jake’s body heated with rage at the picture in his mind of his wife dancing with a bunch of groping, grinding, handsy… “Can you call your sister and find out where they are?”

Red grinned as he whipped out his phone. “I was hoping you’d ask.”

Chapter Nineteen

“Ugh, Red is calling me again.” Tabitha groaned over the blare of the music.

Rand watched the bartender set three glasses of Red-bull and pour shots of some kind of dark liquor and said, “Answer it and find out what he wants.”

Jamie giggled, already tipsy. “He is probably with Jake, and Jake wants to know where you are.”

Tabitha picked up the phone and snapped, “What?”

Rand tried not to listen to the one sided conversation, but she couldn’t stop her smile as Tabitha said, “It’s none of your damn business where we are. Is Jake with you? I don’t care if he’s her husband; he is a jackass.”

Jamie yelled, “Yeah, Jake the Jackass.”

Rand covered her mouth to hide her laugh. Drinking with men was different than drinking with women that was for sure. So far she’d had three jaeger bombs and they’d managed to get her out on the floor of the club to dance with them. It had been awkward at first but once the second drink had hit her, she just started to relax and have a good time.

Jamie paid for their drinks and Tabitha said, “Look Red, I’ve gotta go do my shot. Tell Jake if he wants to grovel for forgiveness, he can wait until we bring her home. Tomorrow!”

She hung up the phone and with a grin picked up her glass. “To us!”

Rand and Jamie raised their glasses and they all chugged the dark drinks. Rand kind of liked the sweet taste, but the licorice aftertaste made her grimace and shake.

Jamie grabbed her hand and yelled, “Let’s dance again!”

Rand let Jamie and Tabitha drag her back onto the floor. She’d figured out that Jamie and Tabitha had no problem being all touchy feely. They held hands, danced together and had even managed to drag Rand in with them.

Rand didn’t feel awkward anymore. For the first time in weeks, she hadn’t been stuck in her own head or heart. She’d laughed and been stupid, and no one had cared.

A tall skinny guy in painted on jeans and a black western shirt said something to Tabitha and she nodded. Before too long they were glued together on the dance floor, Tabitha rolling her hips against his and her black tube top staying in place despite her quick moves.

Jamie leaned over and yelled, “Oh man, I think we’ve lost her!”

Rand’s eyes flicked to the two and her eyes widened as Tabitha started kissing him. “Does she know him?”

Jamie shook her head. “When she drinks, she gets kinda crazy.”

Rand and Jamie danced together, Jamie’s multi colored hair like a neon sign in the flashing lights. Jamie swayed down low and back up and Rand couldn’t understand how she moved like that in a skirt. The short jean mini they had tricked Rand into had black bike shorts under it and she still felt naked.

A guy with spiky hair and a lip piercing came up behind Jamie and said something with a smile. Jamie looked to Rand. “He wants to dance. Will you be okay?”

Rand caught the guy saying something about joining them but if it was going to turn out like Tabitha and Skinny guy, she’d pass. “Thanks, I’m gonna go rest my feet.”

Jamie nodded and said she’d be there in a bit. Rand made her way over to an empty table and sat down, wishing she could kick off her boots and rub her feet. She settled for flexing the aching muscles and noticed someone sit down across from her.

A good l

ooking guy in his early thirties grinned at her. “Hey Beautiful, what’s your name?”

Rand had to fight the urge to tell the guy to go away. Something about him rubbed her wrong. “Rand.”