In all fairness, though, sexual frustration should be a good enough excuse to tie one on.
The object of her desire, Hunter Gracin, was sitting down the bar and that straight, even smile he flashed his friend, Jax, was making her insides melt like butter in a microwave. But Hunter was so oblivious to her, it was pathetic. Sure, he had acknowledged her and asked her how her day had been, but otherwise, she might as well be Moaning Myrtle from Harry Potter—mostly ignored, if a bit amusing.
Penny glanced away from Hunter just in time to watch six foot four inches of trouble walk through the door. Trent Bush was new to the Bear Mountain Fire Station, but that hadn’t stopped him from making himself right at home. Everybody loved him, especially the women. He was boyishly handsome with chocolate-brown eyes and curly brown hair, but his tall, muscular frame was all man.
Penny had picked up on his act and knew he was nothing but a womanizing flirt. Even if her heart wasn’t crushing on another guy, she wouldn’t give Trent the time of day. He most certainly wasn’t the relationship type.
“Yo, Penny, looking good! Wanna come over here and give me a little sugar?” he hollered across the bar.
“I pour your drinks. You realize this, right?”
The group laughed as they settled around a table and Penny shook her head, trying to fight a smile. She didn’t mind Trent’s razzing and he seemed to take her threats with a grain of salt. It was like having one of her little brothers back.
Okay, that wasn’t a good comparison. Trent would sleep with her in a heartbeat if she were willing, and to be honest, she enjoyed the view of his finely sculpted body.
That’s when Hunter’s smooth, deep voice came from just a few feet away, breaking through her thoughts. “Is he bothering you?”
Penny was surprised by the frown on his face. It lit a spark of excitement through her. Could Hunter be jealous?
Covering her emotions, she snorted. “Please, you know I can handle myself.”
There was that smile again, obliterating her until her knees threatened to buckle.
Man, I need to get a grip.
Hunter’s blue eyes didn’t leave hers. She hated how pretty she thought they were. “I have no doubt about that, but if you ever need me to tell that guy to get lost, you let me know.”
“Thanks, Hunter. I appreciate the backup.”
Trish Harris slid in next to Hunter, giving him a sultry glance through her thickly mascaraed lashes. “Hey, there, Dr. Sexy.”
Penny choked back the urge to gag. Trish was a couple years older than her and had come back to Bear Mountain after college to open a trendy tourist boutique. Under most circumstances, she was tolerable, but every time she flashed that come-hither glance Hunter’s way, Penny fought the urge to dump a beer on Trish’s perfectly curled blond head.
“Hi, Trish.” Hunter took a drink of his beer, meeting Penny’s gaze over his mug and rolling his eyes.
Penny fought back a pleased smile as she set a coaster in front of Trish. “Whatcha drinkin’?”
“White wine,” Trish said, without even looking up to acknowledge Penny. Trish was clearly on the hunt and had zeroed in on her prey. The only comfort was that Hunter didn’t seem any more interested in
Trish than he was in Penny.
Depressing, but comforting.
Penny placed Trish’s wine on the counter, and when Trish didn’t immediately pay for it, she cleared her throat.
“Oh, thanks,” Trish said.
As the other woman put the wineglass rim to her lips, Penny’s gaze narrowed.
“That’s five dollars, unless you want to get your ass back here and wash some glasses.”
Hunter chuckled, but Trish didn’t take her joke well. With a fake smile, she slapped a five down and stood with her glass.
“Are you serious?” Penny asked.
Trish’s blue eyes cut through her as her red lips twisted into a sad little moue. “You know, Penny, if you acted a little bit more feminine, you wouldn’t have so much trouble getting a man.”
Penny’s jaw dropped a split second before she felt her face burn. “What the hell did you just say to me?”