Penny bent her head until they were a few inches apart. “You’re ridiculous.”
“But you’re interested.” He kissed her cheek before she could jerk back, and when she did, she was blushing.
“Knock it off.”
“Not until you go out with me. I promise, it is exactly what you need. A little fun to turn that frown upside down.”
“I have fun.”
“Prove it.”
With another huff, she walked away, but Trent had a feeling she was coming around to him.
She came back and said, dismissively, “I put your order in. We’ll bring it out when it’s ready.”
“Have you ever been skinny-dipping?”
Her face went slack, her eyes practically bugging out of her head. “What?”
“There is this little swimming hole I found, and I was thinking maybe we could take advantage of it during the next full moon.”
Penny put her hand on the bar once more and smiled. “The only way you’re getting me out of my clothes is if you light them on fire.”
“Kinky. But see, I wouldn’t want to hurt an inch of that beautiful, delicate skin.”
“On that note, I’m getting back to work.”
Trent raised his voice as she went to the other side of the bar. “Don’t you walk away from me, Penelope Davis! I am pregnant with your child.”
The crowd laughed as Penny glared at him, but he saw the little twitch at the corner of her mouth. She could deny it all she wanted, but she liked him.
And that was something he could work with.
Chapter 5
Saturday afternoon, Penny stood in front of her Tacoma, beating on the green metal hood with her fists.
“Stupid piece of shit!”
The whole day had been like that, though. She’d had trouble sleeping last night after she’d written responding e-mails to both job offers the day before. Both of them wanted to interview her in person. That wouldn’t be hard to manage for the Yellowstone job, but she was going to have to get on a plane for San Diego. God, she hated to fly. And that explained why she’d gotten home from work last night, gone straight to bed, and ended up dreaming about being on a crashing plane. After waking up in a panic, she tossed and turned for the rest of the night, and finally gave up on sleep to watch Supergirl on Netflix.
And then in the morning, she slept through her alarm. She’d gone to grab her laundry out of the dryer, only to realize it was still wet. Either she had forgotten to turn it on, or her cat, Bart, had bumped the Off button when he jumped up to eat on top of the dryer. Regardless, the only thing she had left in her closet were dresses and skirts, none of which were appropriate for a crowded bar.
She’d settled on her jean skirt and a low-cut tank top, anyway. It may have been degrading, but during peak tourist season, showing a bit more skin got her better tips.
However, it was one thing to drive to work in her outfit, but walk the two miles to work? People were going to think she was a hooker. Not that hookers frequented Bear Mountain…but still.
Hiking her purse strap over her shoulder, she started moving, her black combat boots eating up the gravel road. A car full of idiots drove by, yelling and catcalling, and she flipped them the bird.
After a minute, she started to sweat. It was only eighty-five degrees, but her black tank was absorbing the heat like a sponge and her thick ponytail rested on the back of her neck like a wet mop.
A black SUV pulled over in front of her, and she stopped, waiting for the driver to get out. She prayed it was someone she knew and not a creepy stranger. If he tried anything, she would break his balls with her steel toes.
Hunter stepped out of the driver side. His expression was thunderous. “What in the hell are you doing?”
Immediately on the defensive, her hands slammed down on her hips. “Knitting a sweater. What does it look like? My truck wouldn’t start so I’m walking.”
“Why didn’t you call someone for a ride?” His gaze raked over her from head to toe. “There is no way you can walk home tonight after work in that.”