Before he did something crazy, like carry her back into her bedroom and forget all about dinner, he pulled away.
“I can’t say I’m complaining,” she said.
He held out the flowers between them, taking a shaky breath. “Thank God for that. I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of kissing you.”
“You sure know how to turn a girl’s head.” Penny stuck her nose in the roses and breathed in. “You didn’t have to do this. I have plenty of flowers left from before.”
“Oh, so I guess you don’t want these, either?” Hunter popped open the jewelry box and showed her the little blue and diamond studs.
She gasped and reached for the box. Suddenly, a frown marred her pretty face. “You know you don’t have to buy me things.”
“I know. I bought them because they reminded me of your eyes.”
Penny held the box in her hand, staring down at the earrings. She was so quiet, he wondered if she didn’t like them.
“If they aren’t your style, we can exchange them—”
She clasped the box to her chest as if she thought he would snatch it away. “No, I love them. They’re beautiful.” She cleared her throat and met his gaze, her eyes teary. “I’m not used to people doing things just because, you know? I’ve done things on my own for so long.”
Hunter’s hand came up to cradle her chin, his thumb gliding over her lower lip. “If I do something for you, Penny, it’s for purely selfish reasons.”
“What do you mean?”
He bent his head, resting his forehead against hers. “I like doing nice things for you so I can get one of those special Penny smiles.”
“I don’t have a special smile!”
Hunter kissed her, softly this time, in a tender brush of lips. “That’s where you’re wrong, Penny. And selfishly, I want all of them.”
Penny laughed and shoved him away. “You’re ridiculous. Take me to dinner, weirdo.”
Penny wouldn’t admit how nervous she actually was. She’d spent so long imagining what it would be like to be with Hunter, to have him look at her as though she was the most beautiful woman in the world and the only one he wanted.
But being out with him in Bear Mountain, and having every eye in the room watching them, put her completely out of her element. She wasn’t used to being the center of attention. Especially when it was because she had gotten everything she’d ever dreamed of.
Since it was Sunday and the Grizzly was the only place that was open, they went there. But Hunter had gotten them one of the booths against the wall. The high backs gave them a little privacy from the other patrons, but the people playing pool and sitting at the bar kept glancing over at them.
Especially the women.
“I think people are wondering what we’re doing together,” Penny said.
Hunter set his menu on the end of the table and reached across for her hand, which she slipped into his. “If I was sitting next to you, they wouldn’t have to wonder.”
Penny’s cheeks burned. “Stop it.”
Hunter squeezed her hand. “I don’t care about anyone in this room but you.”
“I thought you wanted to take me out and show me off.”
“I do. But if you’re uncomfortable or not having fun, we can leave.”
Hunter’s concern for her comfort made her relax a little. “I’m okay.”
“So what are you thinking? I’ll go put in our order.”
“I’ll have a beer and a bacon burger with steak fries,” Penny said.