Her hand slipped between them and he felt her circle his cock with her warm fingers. “I don’t know. Somebody doesn’t feel quite ready.”

Hunter laughed. “Hey, I’m old. You gotta give me at least a half an hour to recover.”

Penny rolled her eyes and started to climb off him.

“Hey, where are you going?”

“I figured we’d head to your place since my brothers are still at mine. You know, for privacy. Would that be enough time, old man?”

Hunter sat up and pulled her across his lap, scowling down into her laughing face. “Somebody ought to paddle your ass for disrespecting your elders.”

“Oh, spanking? Sounds kinky.” She wiggled her ass against him and Hunter wondered if he would even need that full half an hour.

But suddenly, the cab of his SUV lit up with high beams and flashes of red and blue.

“Please tell me that isn’t Luke again,” Penny said.

Hunter turned in his seat. “Wanna hand me my pants?”

He’d finally gotten his jeans buttoned and Penny had wrapped herself up in his shirt when someone knocked on the window.

“Is there a reason the two of you can’t get a room?” Luke asked through the door.

Chapter 21

By the next day, everyone was talking about Luke discovering Hunter and Penny pulled off the road and half naked…again. But the couple didn’t care, because they had taken the sentiment “making up for lost time” and turned it into a marathon endeavor. Aside from work, and a quick trip to the airport to drop off Penny’s brothers, they’d hardly left the bedroom.

Which is where they were on Tuesday morning, snuggled up in Hunter’s king-sized bed, and Penny drawing little hearts on his chest with her finger.

“So, I’ve been thinking about our first date,” Hunter said.

Penny lifted her head, and gave him a puzzled look. “Our first date? Don’t you think we’re a bit past that?”

“Hey, if I want to take you out on a date, then I don’t want to hear any sass about it. I owe you dinner. Maybe even a movie if you don’t chew with your mouth open.”

Penny kissed his chest slowly, making her way down over his abs. “You know, we don’t have to go out to dinner. We could just stay in and I could eat off of your—”

“Damn it, woman, is that all you ever think about? I am not a piece of meat.”

Her lips hovered right above the sheet, which was tented, and she grinned. “Apparently, someone didn’t get the memo and is very interested in my idea of dinner.”

Hunter grabbed her, and rolled her beneath him, his handsome face fixed into a mock scowl. “He is not in control. I am and I want to take my beautiful, amazing girlfriend out to show her off.”

Penny’s heart stuttered at the g-word. “Well, who in their right mind would argue with that logic?”

“Good. Now, when is your last day at the Grizzly?”

“I’m going to work there until Vince can find a replacement.”

Hunter pulled up, and she waited for him to ask about San Diego. They

hadn’t talked about whether she was taking it, hadn’t talked much at all, actually. She was pretty surprised he hadn’t brought it up.

“So then you’ve decided which job you’re taking.”

