The two of them turned identical blue eyes her way, as if they actually expected her to answer.

With a snort of disgust, she stomped back to her room.

“We only ask because we care!” Wes called.

“And we’re nosey!” Cal chimed in.

Penny slammed the door on both of them.


Chapter 14

Penny was calculating how easily she could kill her brothers and make it look like an accident when her cell rang. They had only been home three days and so far, they had left their dishes piled in the sink every night, expected her to do their laundry, and drunk all her beer. San Diego was sounding better and better.

Come on, as if your brothers weren’t a reason to make you stay.

Penny glanced at the caller ID and saw it was Trent. She slid her thumb over the screen to answer. “Hello.”

“Hey, kitten. Feel like getting out of the house?”

Penny looked around the shit storm that was her place. “Definitely. Give me five minutes.”

She ended the call and grabbed two glasses of ice water. After walking into her brothers’ room, she stood between the two full beds and let the contents of the glasses fly across their faces, impressed by her aim.

Wes flew up first. “What the h—”

“Damn it!” Cal hollered, wiping at his eyes.

“Now that you’re awake and I have your attention, here is the deal. You will wash your own dishes, pick up after yourselves, and do your own laundry, or you will find somewhere else to crash. I am your sister and I love you, but my love will not turn me into your maid.”

She marched out of their room, listening to their curses with a smile. She went outside to wait for Trent, relieved to see him pulling in.

“You seem happy to see me,” he said as she climbed into his car.

“Actually, I doused my brothers with two cups of ice cold water. That put this smile on my face.”

“Yowza! I’d be locking my door tonight if I were you.”

“Ha! They wouldn’t dare retaliate.”

Trent backed out of her drive with a chuckle, and turned down the road. “If you threw cold water on me when I was sleeping, I would enact a thorough and diabolical revenge.”

“I feed them. They know not to mess with the person who handles their food.”

“Fair enough,” he said.

When he took a left, and started heading out of town, she frowned. “Where are you taking me?”

“I thought we’d drive to the airport and watch the tiny planes take off.”

“Exactly what I wanted to do on a Tuesday,” Penny joked.

“Don’t knock it ’til you try it. It’s how I relax when I’m stressed out.”

Once Trent pulled into the field next to the airport, they climbed out and crawled onto the hood of his SUV. There were more birds than planes taking off, but Penny had to admit that it was actually kind of peaceful.

“Penny, I know I’ve already apologized for punching Hunter, but I want you to know that I am really sorry.”