“Whoa, big sister’s pissed at you, man!” one of the brothers teased behind him.
The second shoe flew past him, probably aimed at said brother’s head but Hunter took the opportunity to step inside next to her and close the door.
“Please get out,” she said, softly.
Hunter shook his head. “Why are you fighting me?”
“Because I’m confused and you’re not making it any easier on me.”
“Making what easier? Is this because I told that meathead Trent to take a hike?”
Penny took a deep breath and sat on the bed. “It’s not only about Trent.”
Hunter’s heart started hammering as he took in the serious expression on her face.
“I’ve been offered my dream job in San Diego.”
“Wow.” Hunter stepped back, against the door. His chest was squeezing. “Are you taking it?”
“I’m not sure yet. I do know that no matter what I decide, it’s going to be about me and what I want. It’ll have nothing to do with a couple of idiots who think that starting bar fights is a good way to win a woman’s affections.”
Hunter ran his hand through his hair, knowing full well that she was right, and that he should be encouraging her to take it, to follow her dreams…
But a small, selfish part of him didn’t want to be that good guy right now. He wanted to beg her to stay.
Even if she didn’t want to be with him, Bear Mountain wouldn’t be the same without Penelope Davis.
Penny lay in her bed, listening to her idiot brothers and Hunter talking in the other room. She wasn’t sure why she’d only told him about the job in San Diego and not the one in Red Lodge. Maybe she was worried he’d tell her to take the latter.
Or worse, what if he hadn’t? What if he’d told me to go to San Diego?
She rolled over and shoved her face in the pillow, muffling her scream of frustration. She was insane. That was the only explanation.
It wasn’t as though her life was getting any easier. She had until Friday to let the San Diego Zoo know whether she was going to take the job. That meant she had a week to make one of the biggest decisions of her life.
When she finally heard Hunter leave, she got up from the bed and went out to get a glass of water. Her brothers were kicking back, drinking beer, and watching Deadpool. When she finished pouring her water, she turned to find both of them staring at her from over the back of the couch.
“What are you two looking at?”
“What’s with you and Hunter?” Wes asked.
Wes snapped his fingers and then pointed at her. “That’s bullshit. You wouldn’t throw shoes at someone you didn’t like.”
“Wow, now that’s some solid logic for you. I’m only violent with people I care about. Never knew that about myself. Appreciate the insight, Dr. Phil.”
Cal took a long draw of his beer. “What about the dipshit from the bar?”
“Trent? Nothing. I have nothing going on with anyone. They are both idiots.”
“Uh-huh,” Cal said.
Penny crossed her arms over her chest, and cocked a hip. “How about you two mind your own business? And call next time before you show up and start beating up people?”
Wes glanced at Cal grimly. “Defensive and hostile. There’s definitely something afoot.”
“I agree, but with who is the question,” Wes said.