“Isn’t that Penny Davis’s Tacoma?”

Penny poked her head out the door with a forced smile. “Hey, Luke.”

Luke raised an eyebrow, the corner of his mouth twitching. “Penny. You have car trouble or something?”

“Would it make you feel better if I said yes?”

“No.” Luke put the flashlight in his hand back on his belt. “How about the two of you take it somewhere else, huh? It’s dangerous stopping on the side of the road like this.”

Hunter glanced at her with so much heat that her face burned. “Be happy to, Luke.”

But now that she’d gained some distance from Hunter’s incredible kiss, she wasn’t so sure about continuing. There were so many factors in the mix. She wasn’t only deciding between Hunter and Trent, but the two jobs. And if she decided to take the San Diego job, there was no point in starting anything with either of them.

But if she took the job in Red Lodge…

It seemed that anything was possible.

Chapter 13

Hunter chased Penny up the walkway to her house, shirtless and frustrated. Mostly because she’d hopped into her truck before he’d finished talking to Luke. She seriously tried to ditch him. After she’d had him right where he wanted to be: underneath her with his tongue in her mouth.

“Penny, will you hold up a second?”

“Not tonight. I’m tired.”

He caught her arm at the door and spun her around, backing her against it so she couldn’t escape.

“We need to talk, whether you want to or not.”

“What I need to do is go inside and get some sleep. God knows when my brothers are going to come stumbling—oof!”

Suddenly, Hunter and Penny were hurtling into the house and toward the floor. Hunter tried to catch most of her weight with his body, but they both grunted as they hit the ground.

“What the hell?” a deep voice above them said.

“That’s what I’d like to know,” Hunter wheezed.

Penny shoved at his chest. “Get off me.”

He climbed to his feet and came face to face with Wes and Cal Davis.

“Damn, Hunter, it’s good to see you!” Wes gave him a bone-crushing hug. He’d gained at least fifteen pounds of muscle and several inches since the last time Hunter had seen him. Hunter slapped him on his back with a grin.

“Good to see you too, buddy.”

“Hello, still down here!” Penny said.

Hunter tried to reach down and help her, but Cal grabbed him next. By the time the two brothers let him go, Penny had gotten herself up and was stomping off to her room.

“Hang on, fellas, I’ve got to talk to your sister.”

Hunter chased her down the hall and put his foot in her bedroom door before she could shut it.

“Move your foot.”

“Come on, Penny.”

She bent over and took off her shoe, hurtling at his chest.