Trent mopped at his sore nose, pretty sure it was broken, and winced. “I know it is your decision. But I want to make sure you know that you have choices.”
“Yeah, between dumb and dumber.”
“No, kitten,” he said softly. “Between a man who will fight for you, and one who waited until he had to.”
Trent dropped the rag and cradled her face in his hands. “And in case you didn’t realize, I’m the former.”
Trent was just dipping his head to kiss her when someone tapped him on the shoulder. As soon as he let Penny go and turned around, pain exploded in his face. Another fist connected with his cheek.
He fell on his ass and looked up to find two big, burly men standing over him, identical scowls on their faces.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing to our sister?”
Penny pounded on her friend Allison Fairchild’s door twenty minutes later, ready for some much needed girl talk and a bottle of wine. She heard a series of high-pitched barks through the door before Allie opened it and gave her a once-over. Allie’s dog, Kermit, sped around Penny in a circle before disappearing back inside as fast as his little legs would take him. His long fur flew behind him like a cape.
Allie’s gaze met hers. “Should I grab the wine?”
“Definitely. Got a vat of it?”
“’Fraid not.”
Penny stepped into Allie’s homey cabin, shaking her head. “I don’t know why you don’t move in with Dex in the main house. You two have been together for eight months now.”
“I basically live with him, but we haven’t decided where to put my stuff yet. Besides, sometimes a girl needs her own space.” Allie grabbed the bottle of wine and two glasses before adding, “Hunter showed up about forty-five minutes ago looking like he was going to explode, so I figured I’d let them have some boy talk.”
Penny hadn’t even noticed Hunter’s car because she’d been so angry. “Yeah, well, he’s such a dick.”
Allie’s eyes practically bugged out of her head. “Did you just call Hunter a dick?”
“Yeah, I did. He showed up at the Grizzly and started a fight with Trent. As if he has any right to tell me we need to talk, especially after he walked out on me last night.”
“Wait, what happened last night?” Allie asked.
Penny, already on a roll, continued, “The most earth-shattering kiss of the century. And then he bolts.”
Allie tipped back one of the glasses she’d poured and shook her head. “Wait. So you’re telling me that after I broke up that fight at the hospital between Trent and Hunter, he went to your room and kissed you? And then he left?”
“Yep.” Penny downed her wine. “Like I said. Dick.”
“Idiot,” Allie said, correcting her. “So, what does this mean for you? Do you like Trent? Or Hunter?”
Penny laid her head on Allie’s kitchen counter with a groan. “God, don’t ask me that.”
“Why not?”
She turned her head to the side so she could see Allie. The smooth tile cooled the heat of her cheek. “Because I don’t know. On one hand, I’ve wanted Hunter for years. I’ve been dreaming of this moment, when he would wake up and realize he wants me, too.” Finally standing back up, she continued, “But on the other, Trent isn’t who I thought he’d be. He’s actually pretty sweet, and he’s fun, and charming, and makes me laugh. Maybe that’s the type of guy I should be with.”
“Sounds like quite the dilemma.”
Penny held out her glass for more wine. “Yeah, it is.”
“Who makes you lose control?” Allie asked.
Penny stopped tipping the glass back at her question. “What?”
“Which one of them makes you completely lose it and want to rip off their clothes and never let them go?”
Chapter 12