“If you’re tired, you should be resting.” Hunter finally looked at Trent, wishing he could choke the bastard for disturbing her.

“I would actually like to go home and sleep in my own bed.”

Hunter shot her a dark look. “You’re not going anywhere until I’m sure you’re okay.”

“But Winter said—”

“Nurse Matthews is not your doctor. I am.” Hunter pulled his stethoscope off his neck. “I’m going to check your vitals.”

Trent stood up and said, “I’m going to go get a coffee. Can I get you something, kitten?”

Kitten? The son of a bitch had a stupid pet name for her?

“I’m okay, thanks.”

Once Trent was out of the room, Hunter listened to her heart. When he heard her say something, muffled from the earpieces, he pulled them out. “What?”

“You didn’t have to be so rude to him. He’s a decent guy.”

Hunter scoffed. “A decent guy would not have gotten you so drunk that you couldn’t even walk.”

Penny’s blue eyes flashed with outrage. “I could walk! I was dancing and lost my balance.”

“On a bar. I heard.” His voice was deeply bitter and jealous. He hated it.

She reached out and shoved him in the shoulder. “Why are you acting like a judgmental prick? Weren’t you the one who said I was an immature partier? Why are you so surprised?”

Hunter put his stethoscope back around his neck with a jerk, glaring into her blazing blue gaze. “Do you know what it was like to watch paramedics wheel you into the hospital, out cold? How terrified I was?”

Her eyes widened. “You were worried about me?”

“Are you kidding? I wanted to beat that punk into the ground for putting you in danger. I spent forty-five minutes in Allie’s office, listening to a lecture on starting fights inside the hospital.”

“You started a fight with Trent? Over me?”

“No, I almost started a fight because he didn’t take care of you the way he should have.” His hands cupped her cheeks and he was too far gone to think about what he was saying anymore. “I would never put you in danger. All I want to do is keep you safe.”


But he didn’t let her say anything. All he wanted was to feel her against him, her lips, her body. To touch every piece of her and learn it, as though she really did belong to him.

Maybe he’d lost his mind, but keeping Penelope Davis at arm’s length was the last thing he was going to do.

Chapter 10

Penny sank into Hunter’s kiss, her body on fire with need. She couldn’t believe this was actually happening. She’d dreamed of this moment a million times, but had never imagined the heat, the feel of his warm hands sliding from her cheeks to her neck. She moaned as he kept them moving along the side of her breasts until his arms circled her waist and she was crushed against his chest.

He tasted like warm cinnamon as his tongue tangled with hers, making her body quake with desire. Her hands slid up under his scrubs and over the muscles of his back. She wished she could get closer to the heat of him. To the strength that she’d been craving.

“God, Penny…” he murmured against her mouth and she wanted to yell with joy. He’d called her name in passion; he was hers.

The door opened, and a cheerful voice called, “How are you feeling, Pen—Oh!”

Hunter jerked away from her, and turned. Penny wanted to strangle Winter Matthews for interrupting them.

“Is everything alright in here?” Winter was giving Penny a concerned look, as if she thought Hunter was violating her.

“We’re fine,” Penny ground out.