“So the hell what? People get drunk and hook up all the time, even women in their thirties. Or have you not been paying attention to all the trolling that happens at the Grizzly?” She shook her head at him, and wrapped her hands in the front of his shirt. “You’re making up excuses because you’re scared.”

“I’m not scared. I’m just saying that you—”

She didn’t let him finish his sentence though. Suddenly, her arms were behind his neck and she’d planted her lips over his, kissing him hard. Hunter’s cock raged to life when her breasts pressed against his chest, and when that little tongue of hers slipped into his mouth and tangled with his.

He was about to push her back into her door when she pulled away, breathing so hard her chest heaved.

“That is what you should have done the second I came out of the Grizzly.”

He was so stunned, words completely failed him.

“I’ve waited five years for you to wake up and realize you’re supposed to be with me, Hunter. I’m not wasting any more time.”

And before he could respond, she’d opened the door and slipped inside, leaving him aching for her and seriously confused.

Chapter 8

The week had passed like a whirlwind for Penny. After she’d asked Vince for the time off and he’d grudgingly said yes, she’d set up interviews for both jobs. She’d driven to Red Lodge on Tuesday for her interview with Yellowstone Wildlife Sanctuary. She’d loved the facility and the staff had been so nice. The pay was decent and she could still live in Bear Mountain, where her house and friends were.

And Hunter.

The reminder of him brought a pang to her chest. She hadn’t seen or heard from him since the kiss and it killed her that he still hadn’t asked her out. He must be sitting back on his laurels, overthinking everything. It was frustrating as hell. And she was done. Or at least she should be done.

On Wednesday morning, she’d flown out to San Diego for her interview on Thursday. Walking through the San Diego Zoo and Wild Animal Park had been a dream come true, and she’d especially loved the cheetah and Anatolian program. The director had seemed impressed with her. Although the city itself was a little overwhelming, it would be cool to live that close to the beach.

Plus, I could put enough distance between me and Hunter to maybe move on.

Is that what she wanted? After five years of waiting and hoping, was she finally giving up?

Penny tried not to think about it. Trent was due to pick her up any minute. They’d been exchanging texts and phone calls all week, and when he’d found out they both had today off, he’d been so eager to take her out that it had almost made up for Hunter’s rejection.

As she put the finishing touches on her makeup, she jumped when her doorbell rang.

With a deep breath, Penny opened the door and found Trent standing on her porch in a black collared shirt and jeans. His gaze swept over her, and she noted the appreciation in his eyes. It seemed he liked her tight jeans and black halterneck top.

“You look gorgeous.”


She stepped out to lock the door, and he laughed. “Aren’t you going to invite me in and show me around your place?”


“Alright, I can take a hint.”

“Can you?” she teased.

“You need to stop lying to yourself. You know you always wanted to go out with me, but

you liked playing hard to get in the beginning.”

“Did I, though? Or am I giving in so you’ll stop pestering me?”

“At this point, I am just happy you said yes. I’m not looking to waste a minute of our date.”

With a grin, he held out his hand to her. It was a surprising gesture, and she shocked herself even more when she took it.

“So, where are we going?” she asked.