“He should recover, barring any complications. What are you still doing here?”
“I left and came back. A couple accidentally started a fire in their hotel room during some candle play. They suffered some smoke inhalation, and Mr. Cook at the Bear Mountain Inn is not happy, but they’ll be okay.”
“Well, I’ve got to find my patient’s family…”
“Say, Doc, while I’ve got you, I’d like to know what the deal is with you and Penny Davis.”
Hunter could feel his eye start to twitch. “There is no deal. Penny and I are just friends.”
“Yeah? So, no interest in her whatsoever?”
Trent slapped his shoulder, a wide grin on his face. “Good. I didn’t want to get in the way of anything.”
“You’re not. Penelope Davis can date whomever she wants.” Before he could stop himself, he added, “But the thing is, I don’t think you’re right for her.”
Trent’s smile melted, and a hard expression Hunter had never seen before settled over the other man’s features. “Is that a fact?”
Trent might have had a few inches on him, but Hunter stood straight, crossing his arms over his chest. “Yeah, it is.”
Silence stretched between them as neither one of them blinked or backed down. Finally, Trent gave him a curt nod. “Then I guess it’s a good thing it isn’t up to you.”
As he walked away, he waved a hand over his shoulder. “Good talk, Doc.”
Hunter had no idea what had come over him. He knew that he didn’t want to see Penny hurt. She deserved better than a man who would break her heart.
Then Penny’s last words to him rang through his mind.
“If you really want a say in who I date, then you should ask me out yourself.”
Penny wasn’t what he wanted though. He wanted someone his own age. Someone who wanted to get married and have kids. Who was done partying.
But then why does the thought of her with Trent make me sick?
Chapter 7
Trent stepped into the Grizzly, immediately looking for Penny. She was handing two neon-blue drinks to a couple of giggling young women as she wore that polite, tight smile on her face. Man, he would like to get her to really smile again, instead of seeing that fake shit she gave everybody else.
Well, everybody but Hunter Gracin.
That dude was in serious denial. Telling him that it was her choice, and then challenging him.
Shit, at least he was here, trying. Even if it was only for a night of amazing sex. Or two or three. He was the one putting himself out there, while Gracin sat back and refused to make a move.
She spotted him and he grinned as she glared at him.
“You can’t take a hint, huh?”
“What can I say? When I know what I want, I go after it.”
“Vince, I am taking a break.” She came around the bar and grabbed Trent’s arm, pulling him outside. Once they had some distance on the main door, she released him. “Seriously, do you enjoy embarrassing me?”
“That’s not my goal, actually. My plan is to wear you down until you say yes.”
“And I’m telling you that I have a lot on my mind and don’t have time for anything, especially not a—”
He covered her mouth with his hand, stopping whatever insult she was going to fling his way. “Now, before you say something you don’t actually mean, I want to tell you that you sound stressed. The best way to relieve stress is with a little fun. I promise not to even touch you if you agree to go on a date with me.” He removed his hand and gently tucked a stray strand of dark hair behind her ear. “Besides, you can’t spend all of your spare time pining for Dr. Stick-Up-His-Rear.”