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Copyright © 2017 by James Patterson

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First ebook edition: June 2017

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ISBN 978-0-316-46996-8

Dear Reader,

Welcome back to Bear Mountain, Montana. In this cozy town, you can find adventure behind every treetop, mountain peak, and green valley—and deep in the hearts of its residents. You may have read the first book in this series, Hot Winter Nights, but if you haven’t, don’t worry. You can enter this world right here in Penny Davis’s story.

Penny has always been in love with trauma surgeon Hunter Gracin, but Hunter thinks Penny’s too immature to be interested in settling down with him. So when playboy firefighter Trent Bush suggests he and Penny give Hunter a reason to be jealous, Penny takes him up on his offer.

Soon Penny is in the place where I like to put all my well-meaning characters—stuck in a tough position. She’s suddenly got two guys vying for her attention. Honestly, there were times that even I didn’t know who she was going to pick.

I was impressed by Codi Gary’s work in Sexy Summer Flings because she created authentic characters and put them in a rich situation. With the backdrop of stunning Bear Mountain, the suspense of a few trauma center scares, and a romance that’ll make you yearn for that special someone—this book has it all. So go on, I’ll let you start reading it. And I hope you enjoy it.

—James Patterson

Table of Contents


About Bookshots Flames

Title Page


Letter from James Patterson