“It wasn’t me?”

“Hell no. I felt a bit out of sorts. Just a natural reaction to our situation. But you? You I haven’t stopped wanting since we first got into the car yesterday.”

“I feel so stupid. I assumed you were done with me, and I didn’t want to press you. Didn’t want to be that girl who changed the rules.”

He pulled her into his arms. “It’s okay. We’re both new to this thing between us. I’m relieved you want more than last night with me.”

She looked up at him, a tear managing to escape. In her eyes he could see more than possibility. In her eyes he saw a future.

Emma Rose Brent hadn’t just grown up.

She’d grown up to be the perfect woman for him.

Erik kissed her and then slapped her behind. “Now, about our sleeping arrangements...are you up for, say, an appetizer?”

Emma nodded, a devilish twinkle in her eye. She opened her mouth, but he knew what she was going to say and pressed a finger against her lips.

“Don’t even joke about main courses and bringing the beef.” He laughed, wrapping her in his arms.

“How did you know?”

“Because dirty minds think alike,” he said, sweeping her off the ground and into his arms. He headed toward the guest suites. “And that tells me all I need to know.”

She wrapped her arms around him. “What?”

“That you’re the perfect girl to spend Christmas with...you’re the perfect girl to fall in love with.”

* * * * *

Keep reading for an excerpt from A DANGEROUSLY SEXY CHRISTMAS by Stefanie London.

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A Dangerously Sexy Christmas

by Stefanie London


PERSONAL SECURITY DETAIL was a lot like babysitting. All Max Ridgeway had to determine was whether the person under his protection would be the model child or the toddler from hell.

“Do you always disregard your personal safety, Miss Lawson?” he asked.

Two catlike eyes glowered at him. But if he was going to protect her, he needed to know if she would throw herself into harm’s way. Or run. Or walk down a dark alley in the middle of the night.

“You say you don’t want my protection. Tell me if I’ve misunderstood you.” He leaned back in his chair and laced his hands behind his head.

She squared her shoulders against his visitor’s chair and displayed what he imagined was her most dazzling smile. Rose Lawson’s eyes were almond-shaped and a most unusual shade of yellow-green. She had thick curling lashes, a heart-shaped face and glossy pouted lips made for sin. The whole sexy package probably turned other men to goo. But her appearance—while thoroughly enjoyable—would not distract him.

“You’ll have to excuse the mix-up,” she said in a smooth voice that sent a shot of heat through him. Her accent was strange. Definitely American, but the gentle lilt of her words suggested extensive time overseas. London, according to his research. “My father hired you, but he can be a little...overprotective. I won’t be needing your services.”

Her insistence on refusing his protection meant she would be a royal pain in the butt to have as a client. Only she wasn’t the client; her father was. She stood up and raked a hand through her chin-length brown hair, the artfully curled lengths falling back into place as she released them. Her eyes flicked over him, lingering on his face before she checked her phone.

“Sorry to waste your time,” she said in a tone that didn’t sound sorry at all.

The wall clock of his office ticked loudly in the silence. Each second was another he couldn’t have back.

Rose walked toward the door, her heels clicking against the office floor. Skin-tight black jeans accentuated her legs, and a loose top in black silk acted as a canvas to the ornate red, gold and yellow necklace that hung down to her navel. Her file indicated she was a jewelry designer. Perhaps she’d made the necklace herself.