“Sí, Se?or Grider, and I’m preparing a wonderful dinner tonight for your guests,” she said.

“We don’t want to be a bother,” Emma said, feeling disappointed though she knew she should be grateful they were warm and safe.

“You no bother,” Maria said, swatting a hand at them. “Se?or Grider loves having company. And his boys are not coming till Tuesday, sí?”

Walt nodded.

Erik looked at her. “At least we’ll have hot water.”

“And something more than cookies and chocolate for dinner.”

“Yeah, but I liked having dessert first,” Erik said.

* * *

ERIK STEPPED FROM the shower, drying the rivulets streaming down his face. He glanced at himself in the mirror and noted his beard had gotten way too thick. He looked like a wild mountain man and, after the night he’d spent with Emma, he felt like one.

She’d asked for her own room and that told him all he needed to know.

Maybe she’d just needed some space.

But the way she’d looked at him, the way she’d shut down, worried him. He’d tried to tease her with the whole dessert-first thing. That’s how he felt about them. As though maybe they’d had dessert first when they’d indulged in each other at the cabin, but he hoped they could use their lovemaking as a starting point for something more.

Wrapping the plush towel around himself, he walked into the bedroom. Folded neatly on the bed was a pair of jeans and Henley shirt. A new package of boxers and a neatly folded pair of socks sat on the end of the bed, convincing him Walt likely had sons the same size. In the bathroom, he found enough toiletries to make himself presentable. Glancing at his watch, he saw it was only ten o’clock in the morning, but he felt bone weary. Eyeing the bed, he wondered if he should nap...and then he wondered if he could talk Emma into napping with him.

His cell phone vibrated on the rough-hewn dresser.

“Hey, man, there you are,” Layton said. “Your sister was freaking out because you didn’t call.”

“Well, I took a short cut that didn’t work out so well. I hit a patch of ice, overcorrected and ended up plowing Emma’s car into a tree. We didn’t have cell service and had to take shelter in an abandoned cabin overnight. But we’re good. All our toes and fingers are still intact.” No need to mention exactly how they’d stayed warm.

“All right, that sucks but glad to hear you’re okay. That could’ve ended a lot worse. So you’re going to stay there until the car is repaired?”

“Yeah. Won’t be able to get a tow truck until tomorrow, but both Emma and I are safe and warm. The owner of the cabin is putting us up for the night,” Erik said, oddly glad he still had one night left with Emma...even if she was acting weird. He wasn’t ready to go back to his version of reality. “How’s my sister?”

His friend hesitated. “Alexis’s foot is fine. The swelling went down and we didn’t need to take her to the hospital. I’ve been taking real good care of her.”

“Have you now?”

An uncomfortable silence sat for a few seconds.

“Dude, my sister doesn’t need what you can give her,” Erik said, knowing he overstepped but also knowing his sister and the reputation of his friend with the ladies.

“Don’t worry about Alexis... I’ve got everything under control.” Layton’s voice lowered.

“You’re a good guy, but she’s had it tough these last few months. She doesn’t need any more heartache. She needs stability and to get her life straight again before jumping into something.”

No doubt Layton and Alexis had some little flirtation. His sister could use the ego boost after her last boyfriend had gutted her self-confidence. Which was hard to believe when it came to a woman like his sister.

“Hey, bud, I do appreciate your looking out for Alexis while she is banged up. I wasn’t trying to disparage your character. You’re a good guy. I’m just a big brother concerned about his sister.”

“We’ll talk more when you get home,” Layton said. “Drive safe.”

Erik hung up and sank onto the bed. The whole Alexis-Layton thing bothered him. But to a degree, his friend was right. There was only so much he could do. His sister had to live her own life, and he had to live his.

Thing was, he wanted to live his life seeing his sister’s best friend.

Emma Rose had knocked him for a loop. Never could he have imagined how incredible the woman behind the image he’d painted in his mind could be. He’d loved being with her, loved her teasing, the way she launched herself into any task, the way she listened to him, respected him...loved him.