“I don’t know, Em,” he said, kissing her forehead. “I think right now we should enjoy what we have. We can talk about how this will shake out later.”

In the light of day.

She knew how that worked. In the intimate darkness of the now-not-so-cozy cabin, what they had was one thing. Come morning, with the bright light creeping in between the gingham curtains and the nearly empty bottle of tequila staring them in the face, it would be quite another. Neither would have to take a walk of shame, but no doubt he’d regret doing his little sister’s BFF.

“Go to sleep, baby,” he said, kissing her softly.

His words had the intended effect and she closed her eyes and snuggled deeper into his side. Her thoughts were a tangle of possibility, hope, embarrassment, but no shame. She wouldn’t change the amazing night she’d had with Erik. Even if the morning brought a painful resolution.

Softly, fatigue crept on her and with the warmth of the man next to her, she began to fall into sleep.

The last thought she had before she checked out was that she didn’t think she’d ever come so many times in one night.

* * *

ERIK WOKE BEFORE Emma to weak light streaming through the crack of the curtains. The cabin still looked shrouded in darkness and part of him longed to burrow under the covers with Emma, shutting out the world.

But the cabin was ice cold.

Carefully he slipped from beneath her arm and slid out of bed, grabbing the jeans he’d discarded the night before. Quick as a cat, he used the john, brushed his teeth with the extra toothbrush and built a fire, wishing like hell they had some coffee. He puffed into his hands while he waited for the fire to catch and once it had, he hotfooted it back to the bed, shucked off his jeans and climbed in next to Emma.

“Oh,” she said when he wrapped his arm around her. “You’re so cold.”

“Had to start a fire. It’s freezing in here, but you’re warm as toast, babe,” he said, bundling her into his arms.

“Ah, you feel like ice,” she squealed, pushing him away.

“Come on, I need your warmth,” he said, hauling her against him.

This time she didn’t struggle. Instead, she rubbed her hands up and down his arm, trying to warm him. Generous Emma. His heart beat harder in his chest as he thought about her last night.

She’d been spectacular.

He’d been with a lot of women. He wasn’t a man whore, but he rarely turned down the company of a beautiful, willing lady. And he couldn’t remember ever being so blown away. The sex had been hot as hell. But not only that, they’d had fun together, putting together a puzzle, shooting tequila and teasing one another. Thing was, he genuinely liked being with her, which surprised him. He thought he’d had her pegged as an uppity intellectual, but Emma had an earthy charm, a whimsical sense of humor and a giving nature. She was a dream package of a woman.

“Warmer now?” she asked.

He gathered her in tight to him, resting his chin atop her head. “Perfect.”

“I wish I had a cup of coffee.” She sighed against his chest.

He laughed. Great minds do think alike. “Can I interest you in half a glass of wine or tequila?”

“Ugh,” she groaned.

“Oh, come on. You know what they say about tequila.”

“It makes your panties drop?”

“Oh, is that what it is?” he joked, twisting a finger in her hair. “I thought it was something about not remembering things.”

“Is that what you wish? Not to remember?” Her voice had grown serious and his remark from last night came back to peck at him. He hadn’t meant to suggest they had to follow up their night of kick-ass sex with something more. Hadn’t she been the one to suggest that it could be like one of those bizarre encounters both parties blame on the liquor and loneliness? He didn’t want to change the rules when she’d been so careful to brand it as a onetime thing.

“No. I will always cherish getting stranded with you in this cabin. And so you know, we’re still stranded, so how about—” he slid his hand up her thigh, relishing her flesh even through the soft flannel “—we not waste this fabulous lumpy bed with the broken springs?”

He lowered his head to kiss her.

But her hand stopped him. “I want to brush my teeth first.”

“Don’t worry. A little morning breath won’t hinder me.”

“Nope. You brushed yours. Besides, I can still taste the booze.” She sat up and gave a little shiver. “Be right back.”