Emma came back wiping her mouth. He could smell the toothpaste. She paused at the side of the bed. “I don’t swallow.”

He started laughing. “Holy cow, woman. Get your sexy ass back in this bed.”

Emma smiled and climbed into bed. She’d taken off her bra, but left the open pajama shirt on. Snuggling up, she pulled the blankets over them, straightening the tangle of the sheet as she did. Finally, she sank onto his chest. “That was incredible.”

“Mmm-hmm,” he said, twisting a length of her hair around his fingers. “Never could have imagined just how talented you were with that mouth.”

“I’m a woman of many surprises.”

He smiled. “Yes, you are.”

She yawned.

“You’re not planning on sleeping tonight, are you?”

She popped up. “Why? You have something better we can do?”

“Give me ten more minutes and I’ll show you,” he teased, dropping a kiss on her stubborn chin. Funny how he’d never noticed that before. Such a thrill to learn the reticent Emma was a freakin’ wildcat in the sack.

She lifted herself and kissed him. “Only ten minutes?”

“What can I say? You make me feel like a teenager. Short recovery time.”

“This is crazy, but I’m so glad it happened. I’ve wanted you only forever.”

Erik’s heart leaped. Which was weird. This wasn’t about anything other than one night of crazy sex, right? Still, he kept getting these feelings about Emma. She was so familiar, yet a mystery to him. Gorgeous, smart and sexy, Emma was nearly the perfect woman. She didn’t fill silence with noise and she was patient. Still, she didn’t let anything stand in her way. He had such admiration for her and at the same time he wanted to consume her. “Have you?”

“Ever since I saw you making out with Whitney in the swimming pool.”


“Kellogg. She was the head cheerleader. Sort of easy.”

“Oh, yeah. Had a big set of jugs?”

“That would be the one.”

“You saw me and her making out?”

Emma nodded. “Up until that point, I had always thought you were cute. You know, in that benign way teen girls do. But then I watched you in the pool. Oh, I’m not a pervert. I didn’t stay long, but I saw enough to make me feel different about you. I wanted your mouth on me, your hands untying my bikini top. It was like a hunger awoke, and I guess it never really faded.”

“Wow,” he breathed, stroking her face, running a finger over her bottom lip. “I never knew.”

“I’m not like Alexis. I don’t usually reveal my feelings. I can’t believe I’m being this honest with you now. I guess things just feel different.”

“I’m so glad you are. This is so strange, but so wonderful. And we’re not finished, sweet Emma. There’s so much more I want to do to you. I feel spellbound, like I’m not even me. But then I am, and I want you with everything I am.”


HIS WORDS MADE her heart ache.

I want you with everything I am.

It was the sort of thing every girl wanted to hear from the guy she’d worshipped for years. Oh, sure, she’d had boyfriends and hoped for love with them. Erik seemed unattainable, totally off her radar. Until two days ago.

Then he was on it.

Very much on it.

“Should I fetch the box of Magnums?”

He smiled, pulling her down for another kiss. “I think I’m ready,” he murmured against her lips.

“Let’s see,” she said, sliding her hand down to clasp his stirring cock. “Not quite, but I can do something about that.”

“Oh no. You nearly killed me a few minutes ago.” He curved an arm around her, pulling her to him, capturing her mouth in a sweet kiss that literally curled her toes that were still in the fluffy polka-dot socks. He pulled her hand from his crotch. “Let’s take this one slow, baby.”

Erik rolled her over onto her back, tugging her hip so she slid beneath him. Propped on one elbow, he proceeded to kiss her thoroughly. By the time he’d finished and moved to the sensitive shell of her ear, her pulse galloped and a new achiness had awoken in her pelvis.

She stroked his shoulders, enjoying the feeling of his smooth, strong arms, as she allowed her nails to trail back and forth across the span of flesh. Goose bumps emerged and he moaned with pleasure. Against her leg, his erection grew harder, making sweet heat pool in her belly.