She scowled. “There you go again talking about things that make me want to vomit. If you knew Emma, you’d never suggest that she’d have sex in a vehicle. She’s very shy.”

“The right man, the right circumstances can bring out hidden qualities.”

“Hush your mouth. I don’t want to hear that. You don’t know Emma like I do.”

“Is she a virgin?”

Alexis scowled a little harder. She shouldn’t answer, but she was curious as to where Layton was going with his question. “No, of course not. She’s not a nun.”

“Then you have no idea who she is behind closed doors. Sometimes the most prudish people are wild things when no one is looking.”

“Gahhh,” she gargled, putting her fingers in her ears. “I don’t want to speculate on my best friend’s potentially freaky sex life—particularly when you’re suggesting that she ought to hook up with my brother! Ew.”

Layton laughed, enjoying her discomfort. “You’re adorably contradictory. One thing is for sure, one has to stay on their toes with you.”

Alexis pursed her lips, unsure of whether she wanted to continue the argument or let it go, but Layton had already moved on.

“Well, there’s nothing we could’ve done. Emma’s phone died, which is why she wasn’t answering, but they’re okay and that’s what matters.”

“That explains it.”

“ they’ll be back tomorrow after the car is repaired.”

“What was he saying that made you look annoyed?”

He hesitated then answered, “Uh, he was telling me to keep my hands to myself.”

“Too late.”

“Yeah, that ship has sailed and it’s not even circling the port.”

She chuckled, but it brought up a bigger issue. “How’d he even know?”

“I don’t know, big-brother sixth sense?”

“Maybe. Must’ve been in the tone of your voice or the inflection?”

“Who knows. But who cares? You’re a big girl. You don’t need your brother’s approval for anything, much less who you date.”

“I know, but like I said, the last thing I want to do is to come between you and Erik.”

“It won’t come to that.”

Alexis nodded but her thoughts were wandering. The snow was still coming down in fat, lazy flakes, but the lights looked cheery and festive. Erik wouldn’t admit it, but he liked when she decorated for the holidays. For Alexis, decorating for the holidays made them feel more real. She looked to Layton. “Want to help me drag the Christmas tree from the garage and start decorating?”

“Is there a second option?”

“Remember that thing I did right after the shower...”

He blushed a shade of red that didn’t look natural on his skin tone, but she found his reaction cute. “Yeah,” he choked out. “I remember.”

“Well, I’ll do it again if you help me get the tree ready.”

He started walking briskly toward the garage. “Show me where the tree is stored. Let’s get it started.”

Alexis laughed and followed him out.

Two hours later, the tree was up and decorated and Alexis was beaming with excitement as the house started to look Christmassy. “Have I mentioned how much I adore Christmas?”

“You might’ve mentioned it.”

“I do. I love it.” She drew a deep breath and smiled. “?Tis the season to be jolly, you know.”

But Layton only had eyes for her and even though she was delighted with the way the decorations had turned out, she couldn’t ignore the pleasant tingle in her belly knowing that Layton was looking at her the way a wolf eyed a lamb.

The primal pulse of desire between them was almost palpable. So when Layton grabbed her and pulled her to him, she went with giddy anticipation.

He sank onto the sofa and she quickly straddled him. “This is going to be a hard habit to break,” she told him between kisses. She reached down to fondle the bulge in his boxers. “How are we going to stop?”

Instead of answering, he pulled his erection free and she reached over to grab a condom from the box they’d left carelessly on the end table after their last session. Within seconds she had him sheathed and even faster than that, he was inside her. She shuddered as she came down on his cock, loving the way he stretched and filled her perfectly. She braced herself against the sofa cushions behind his head and slowly rode him, taking her time to savor each sensation as they built up the tempo and the rhythm. “Layton,” she breathed, ending with a load moan. “Oh God, Layton...right there...”