“You’re not sorry. You did that on purpose.”


She allowed a small smile and he wanted to kiss away whatever was making her secretly sad. She regarded him with those beautiful, soulful eyes that snapped with mischief most times but right now were filled with wells of yearning that seemed so deep he might drown. He ran a knuckle down her soft cheek.

“Circumstances change us but they don’t have to ruin us,” he reminded her gently. “Don’t let one asshole destroy the part of you that’s precious.”

“Easier said than done,” Alexis said with a forlorn sigh. “Most times I just feel so incredibly stupid for letting him into my heart when he clearly didn’t belong there.”

“It’s all just a rehearsal until the curtain goes up on opening night, babe. That dick was just a bit player in your show.”

She smiled wider. “Got some theater in your background?”

“Father was a drama teacher at my local high school,” he admitted with a short grin. “Can’t seem to help myself. They’re the only metaphors I seem to remember.”

“I like it,” Alexis said, slowly losing the sadness. “It’s kinda profound. Made me think of things in a different way.”

“My dad will be happy to know that his words live on.”

Alexis grabbed his hand and pulled him from the sofa, leading him to the bedroom.

“I seem to remember someone wanting to watch...”

Layton nearly swallowed his tongue.

And just like that, Alexis managed to turn on a dime from broken butterfly, struggling to fly, to sexy temptress ready to eat him alive, and the contradiction was a wild turn-on.

Hell, everything she did turned him on!

How was he going to get Alexis out of his system when the weekend was done?

Something told him Alexis was in his blood—and there was nothing he could do about it.

Funny thing...he was okay with that.


THE FOLLOWING MORNING Alexis woke up to the stillness of fresh snow outside the window and Layton curled around her as if it was his natural place to be and for an instant she just savored the moment.

It couldn’t last, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t enjoy every second until it was over.

But even as she was snuggled against his solid warmth, she was troubled by the fact that neither Erik nor Emma had called to check in yet.

Erik was a stickler for calling when he reached his destination. As a first responder, he’d seen too many tragic accidents to not call. The fact that she knew that about her brother only served to make her more nervous.

Layton stirred and his hand found her breast, causing her to smile briefly. Man, he wasn’t joking about being a boob man.

“Morning,” he murmured, his breath tickling her neck. “You talk in your sleep.”

“I know. Did I say anything interesting?”

“Nothing that I could make out. It was mostly gibberish.”

“Did I keep you awake?”

“Nope. As soon as I realized you were out like a light and just talking in your sleep, I went right back to sleep.”

She smiled, happy to be in bed with him, but soon enough she remembered her concern about Emma and Erik and voiced them. “You know, I’m really stressed that Erik and Emma haven’t checked in. It’s not like Erik to go radio silence.”

“They probably got in late and didn’t want to wake you.”

She shook her head. “No, Erik always calls. It’s sort of an OCD thing. He wouldn’t have been able to sleep without letting me know that they were okay.”

Layton rose on his elbow and she rolled to her back to gaze at him. He frowned. “I’m sure there’s a logical explanation, but I understand your concern. Erik is pretty consistent in his habits.”

“And Emma would call, too. She’s a worrywart by nature and she’d never forget to call because she wouldn’t want me to worry.”

“Well, we can call the road patrol and see if there were any accidents,” he suggested and she shivered at the thought. “It might, if nothing else, ease your mind.”

“Or it could send me into a panic if it turns out they’re not okay.”

“Let’s not jump to the worst-case scenario,” he said, kissing her softly and instantly soothing her nerves. “Breakfast first and then we’ll figure out what’s going on with your brother and Emma.”