He grinned then added, “However, hindsight being what it is, I’ve since realized that I couldn’t marry a woman that didn’t stimulate me intellectually.”

“I know what you mean. Riker was smart but in an arrogant way. He enjoyed one-upping people. It was embarrassing at times.”

“He sounds like a peach.”

“A rotten one.”

“There is that.” He shifted and as he did, the robe gaped, and she got an unobstructed view of his cock, lying semi-erect against his thigh. He tracked her gaze and grinned, allowing the robe to open farther. “See something you like?”

“I can’t believe you’re getting hard again. You have the stamina of a horse.”

“Not always. I’m telling you...it’s you.”

He’d been so giving thus far, going down on her, making sure she came first. Riker had been an inordinately selfish lover, almost never seeing to her needs first. God, why had she stayed with him as long as she had? Sliding her robe down, she bared her breasts for Layton’s gaze. Interest flared in his eyes and his cock sprang to life as if given a shot of Viagra. She couldn’t help but laugh. “That’s a cool party trick in some circles.”

Layton grinned and she was struck by how damn adorable he was. Sure, he was sexy, that was a given, but how had she missed just how sweet and cute he was? And he deserved a little selfish loving. She leaned over and slipped his cock in her mouth, delighting in the way his hand automatically went to her hair and stroked her head lightly as she sucked him. His cock held the faint taste of latex but she didn’t mind. Soon enough his touch became more urgent as she worked his cock, using her hands and tongue to tease him to his breaking point without pushing him over. She took him to the edge several times until he was practically begging her for release and then, because her jaw was getting tired, she allowed him to come.

Layton groaned as he spurted his load down her throat and she gulped greedily, wanting to know his taste just as he’d eagerly acquainted himself with hers. He gripped the sofa cushion as he lost control, shouting her name as he came—and that was hotter than hot.

She wasn’t sure how she was going to quit Layton Davis.

In record time, he’d just become her most wicked secret vice.


THE STORM ARRIVED by midafternoon but by that time Alexis and Layton were quite comfortable to ride it out snuggled with each other. They’d even managed to bake a batch of cookies in between some serious fooling around—several orgasms—and a shower later.

“You know, I expected to hear from Emma and Erik by now,” Alexis said, feeling slightly guilty for not even thinking about her brother and best friend until that moment. She grabbed her cell and quickly called. It rang twice and then went to voice mail. She frowned. “That’s odd. Em never turns off her phone. She’s addicted to it.”

“They’re probably in a bad service area,” Layton said. “I wouldn’t worry. Erik will take good care of Emma.”

“I know he will.” She settled on the sofa with the popcorn she’d just popped. “Want to know a secret?”

“Sure,” he answered, grabbing a handful.

“Emma has always had a raging crush on Erik since we were kids. She thinks I never noticed but it was plainly obvious.”

“How’d you know?”

“Well, for one, girls always know when a girl likes a guy. Second, it was easy to catch her mooning over him, staring at him like a starving puppy whenever he was around. It was really annoying, actually.”

“So, has Erik ever shown an interest in Emma?”

“God no. And I’m glad for that! How weird would that be to have my best friend shacking up with my brother? I can’t handle the imagery.”

“It’s no weirder than what we’re doing,” he reminded her.

“No, it’s totally different.”

“How so?”

“Because it is.” She left it at that. There was no way he could convince her that the situations were similar because she didn’t want them to be similar. “Besides, Emma and Erik are complete opposites. They’d never suit.”

“Your brother is a good guy. Why wouldn’t you want your best friend to find a man worth her time?”

“Oh, come on, don’t throw sensible arguments my way. I think we’ve already established logic and reason have no bearing on my decision-making process. They aren’t good together—end of story.”