“Oh my God,” he breathed, unable to stop from uttering a guttural moan. Sweat popped along his hairline. He wanted to pump into her like a piston, to ram his cock into her with the force of a machine, to put his stamp on her insides, and the ferocity of his need shocked and embarrassed him a little. “You feel so good,” he admitted with a tight groan.

He drove into Alexis, burying himself to the hilt, losing all sense of cool as he thrust against her. Remembering some semblance of himself, he slowed his thrusts to focus on her, loving the way her cheeks flushed with each moan as her generous breasts bounced with the motion of his hips, everything about her was sexy.

Within moments, she was tensing and her thighs shaking and he knew she was close, which was a blessed relief because he didn’t think he could last much longer. He liked to pride himself on being able to go the distance, but something about Alexis stripped him bare and made him vulnerable at the same time.

All he wanted was to lose himself in her, to watch as she came and to taste her on his tongue. He wanted to bury his face in her pussy and lap at her folds until she cried out his name. He’d never been one to wax poetic about a woman’s lady parts, but he thought he could write a sonnet about the sweetness that was Alexis.

“L-Layton!” she cried out, gripping the pillow beneath her head, thrusting her breasts up as she came hard. She shuddered and a long exhale escaped her lips as she completely lost herself to the moment. It was beautiful to watch and almost interrupted his own orgasm, but within seconds of that undoing, he followed, coming with a loud groan.

He rolled off and pulled the condom free, tossing it carefully into the trash before collapsing to the bed, spent. It took him several minutes before he could form words, but Alexis didn’t seem to mind the silence. If anything, the satisfied smile on her face said more than words could, and that made him want to crow.

“I needed that,” she said with a happy sigh. “Thank you.”

He paused and then nodded. “You’re welcome.”

A happy gurgle of satisfaction escaped her sweet lips and he wanted her all over again. Could this become his newest bad habit?


LAYTON ROLLED ONTO his side. “If you’re this good in bed laid up, I can only imagine what it’s like being with you when you’re fully recovered.”

She leveled a playful look his way. “I like to switch positions. A lot.”

“Sex is great cardio. Best way to work up a sweat in my book. Should I stock up on Gatorade?”

She laughed. “Getting ahead of yourself, don’t you think?”

“Not really. I think we both had a good time. Am I wrong?”

“Oh no, you were good, no doubt about that. I rarely come that easily, so I either chalk that up to the fact that you’re pretty talented or I was pretty horny. Either way, I count that as a win.”

“I think it’s because I’m pretty talented,” Layton said with cocky swagger. “I don’t mean to brag, but... I’m pretty good.”

Alexis made a show of thinking then decided. “Sorry, buddy, I think I was just really horny and needed an itch scratched. Thanks for that, by the way,” she repeated.

He laughed, reaching for her. “All right, not sure who’s winning this argument because I feel as if I’m coming out the winner either way, so let’s call it a draw and proceed with funky times.”

Alexis pealed with laughter. “Funky times? That sounds like something that needs an antibiotic.”

He kissed her and she enjoyed the feel of his lips against hers, but after a long moment of wrangling tongues, she gently pulled away, leaving him perplexed.

“What’s wrong?”

“I just want to be clear about what we’re doing.”

He grinned. “Isn’t it obvious?”

She pushed at him, needing him to be serious for a minute. “No, I mean, I want to make sure that we’re both okay with the agreement that this is just for today.”

The sweet warmth in Layton’s dark eyes faded and she suffered a twinge of guilt, but they both knew they couldn’t mess around once Erik returned. For one, Alexis would never come between Erik and his good friend and, two, Alexis didn’t think she was ready to start seriously dating again. She still had...issues she was working through about her breakup with Riker and it wasn’t fair to Layton to drag him down that dark road.