A breathy shudder escaped her lips as she tensed, her body shaking almost immediately. Manly pride surged through him as he sucked and licked her pleasure spot until she stiffened and broke apart with tiny, mewling gasps that would have sent him over the edge if he hadn’t already been sporting granite in his pants, full and thick, ready for action.

He was more than ready to sink into that slick heat, but he wanted to make sure she got hers first, because as he’d admitted to Alexis, he was a gentleman at heart even if he had the mind of a lecherous pervert.

Layton gave her clitoris one final tease and she jerked, her belly spasming involuntarily. “You’re a bad boy,” she said with a satisfied grin. “And I like it. Do you always let ladies come first?”

“Seems a good rule to live by,” he said, rising to seal his lips to hers, loving that she gripped him hard and didn’t shy away from the fact that she could taste herself on his lips. He pulled away and Alexis helped him out of his underwear, revealing his thick and eager erection. He grinned and palmed himself. Now he didn’t mind that he was naked. “Like what you see?”

“Not bad,” she said coyly. “But let’s reserve judgment until after it’s over. You know what they say about guys with talented tongues...”

“They’re lucky bastards?”

She laughed. “They say they’re good with their mouths because that’s all they got.”

Layton laughed and pulled her gently off the sofa, lifting her into his arms. “Honey, I guess I’m the exception. We’ll see if you can handle this action.”

She smelled like sex and he liked it. “I like the feel of your wet pussy against my arm. Reminds me of where I’ve been.”

“You have a dirty mind,” she said with sly approval. “I like the way you think.”

“I think we have a lot in common.” He placed her on the bed and gazed at the perfection wrapped up in one saucy package. “How is it that I’ve never met you until this point? Your brother was smart to hide you away.”

She snorted. “You make me sound like a virginal princess in the medieval days.”

“I’m just saying...if you were my sister I wouldn’t want the guys at the station house seeing you, either. You have no idea what a bunch of guys cooped up together start to talk about. It’s raunchy.”

“Do tell.”

“How about I show you?”

She shivered with open delight. “Do your worst.”

“Well, sometimes when there are no calls and the station is otherwise dead, we try and one-up each other with tales of sexual adventures.”

“Okay, now I’m intrigued. What’s the kinkiest place you’ve had sex?” she asked, scooting onto the pillow and leaning back, giving him the best view of everything she had to offer.

“Easy. Bathroom of the Lotus. She had to cover her mouth to muffle the screams as I banged her hard up against the bathroom wall.”

“The Lotus...are you saying you had sex in the swankiest restaurant in town...the same place that takes weeks to get a reservation unless you’re a celebrity?”

“As it happened...I was with a certain up-and-coming starlet who I’d met on the slopes in Vail. We hit it off and saw each other a few times until her schedule got too hectic and we lost touch.”

“Who was it?”

“I don’t kiss and tell.”

“You’re lying,” she said, calling his bluff.

“No, I swear to you. True story. She was a hot lay,” he admitted as he climbed onto the bed. “But enough about her... I’m all about you right now.”

“Good answer,” she said, pulling him to her for another kiss, their tongues sparring with one another in a sensual assault. She was good with her mouth. He could only imagine what she’d do with that mouth on his cock, but he couldn’t wait for more foreplay. He was willing to forgo a little head if it meant he could sink into that sweet pussy.

But first... “Condoms?”

“First drawer, full box.”

“I love a woman who’s prepared,” he said, jerking open the drawer. He ripped open a foil packet and sheathed himself, his hands shaking. Damn, he was never this eager, but there was something about Alexis that turned him on his ear. So much for the suave act he usually had down to an art form.

Pulling her injured leg up over his shoulder, he slid himself into her damp heat and nearly lost his mind from the instant pleasure cocooning him from all sides. She gripped him with her internal muscles, squeezing him from the inside, and he nearly came like a prepubescent boy in a circle jerk.