“We’re Edward Willis’s daughters,” Val said. Ellie sat up when a man in blue scrubs walked over. He had short, dark hair and blue eyes and was younger than any other doctor she’d ever seen, which made her nervous, especially when his grim face didn’t brighten.
They stood as he lowered his voice. “Your father suffered a mild heart attack, probably brought on by stress. We were able to repair the damage, but he needs to take it easy. Strict bed rest and a healthy diet.”
“Ha. I bet he loved hearing that,” Ellie said wetly, sniffling.
The doctor smiled mildly. “He is quite the firecracker. He’s barely awake and already making demands.”
“That sounds just like him,” Val said as she saw Justin coming back with a cup carrier of coffee.
“Yes, well, you can see him now.
Maybe one at a time?” the doctor suggested, a warning tone in his voice.
“You go,” Val said to Ellie, taking a cup of coffee from Justin. “We’ll wait here.”
Ellie followed the doctor down the hall and Val sat back down, accepting the comfort Justin offered as he wrapped his arm around her, bringing her against the wall of his chest. Squeezing her eyes shut, she tried to keep from crying, but in the end she broke down.
“I can’t stop thinking it was my fault . . . that if I hadn’t—”
“Stop it!” he hissed, squeezing her tight. “You did not cause this. Your father has been in a stressful position most of his life and it finally caught up to him. You are not taking the blame for this, do you understand?”
Her surprised laugh was interrupted by hiccups as she said, “Who made you the boss?”
“I’m not your boss, Val. I love you and I don’t want you carrying around a bunch of guilt you don’t deserve.”
She knew Justin meant what he said. He would never try to change or control her. It was how she knew he really loved her. A willingness to accept another person’s flaws and issues, while fighting for their happiness—that’s what Justin had taught her about love.
“Thank you for being here,” Val whispered, kissing the place above his heart.
His hands rubbed along her spine, comforting her. “I will always be here, Val. There’s nowhere else I want to be but by your side.”
They stayed like that until Ellie came back, looking sad.
“He doesn’t want to see me,” Val said, reading into her sister’s expression.
Ellie shook her head. “He’s just being a stubborn jerk, Val. He’ll come around.”
Val nodded, laughing bitterly. “Yeah, I know. It’s not me, it’s him.”
Needing some air, she headed for the nearest exit, wanting to scream with pain. Even with the chance that he could die, he couldn’t admit he was wrong or that he cared. Why was she here? When was she going to realize that men like him didn’t change for anyone?
JUSTIN STARTED TO follow her, but Ellie stopped him. “I’d leave her for a bit. Val’s got a mile-long streak of pride, and sometimes she needs to keep her dignity intact. She gets that from him.”
Justin’s hands clenched into fists. “I wish the bastard wasn’t so weak right now. I’m tempted to beat the shit out of him for hurting her.”
Ellie clapped her hands, drawing his attention. “You love her!”
Releasing an embarrassed laugh, he felt his cheeks warm. “Yeah,” he said, lowering his voice. “I asked her to marry me.”
Ellie jumped up and down and threw herself against him, squeezing tight, before pulling back with wide eyes. “Wait; did she say yes?”
“Not yet. I’m giving her some time to adjust.”
Ellie frowned at him, her forehead scrunched with worry. “I hate to say this, but you might not like the answer you get. Val isn’t exactly pro marriage.”
Justin’s heart sank. “You think she’ll say no?”
Ellie looked thoughtful before giving him a noncommittal shrug. “Who knows? Miracles happen every day.”