“Hey, sis.”

“Is everything okay?” Val asked, immediately thinking of her father.

“Yeah. I was just on my way to talk to Gemma Carlson about renting the studio above her bookstore and wanted to swing by, see how you were doing.”

Val had spent hours on the phone with her sister, but it was still new, having her there in the flesh. “I’m okay. Just cleaning up.”

“Can I come in?”

Val stepped back and let her sister in, unsurprised when Gus hopped around excitedly. Her sister was petite like her, but her face was more oval, she was a few inches taller, and her skin had a natural olive tone to it that helped her tan easily. Her dark hair was swept up in a loose bun, and as she sat down on the couch, she gave Val a look so serious that she squirmed.

“What’s up?”

“I just wanted to make sure you were okay. I know you’ve been down about Dad and all that, but he’s just an ass, Val. He’ll get over his issues or he won’t, but that’s on him, not you.”

“Has Ellie been running her mouth?” Val asked, wishing her little sister would learn to mind her own business.

“Of course, but it doesn’t take a genius to see you’re hurt.”

“What about you? Any progress with Dad?”

“Oh no. In fact, I think his first words to me were ‘get out,’ so I see a very long, turbulent journey of reconciliation for Dad and me,” she said, sounding casual, but Val thought it probably hurt them in the same way. “Anyway, I’m just glad you have someone like Justin in your life. You’re a very lucky woman.”

Val sighed and sat down on the couch. “He asked me to marry him.”

“What?” Caroline cried, before sobering. “What did you say?”

“I haven’t said anything yet. He said to take my time, but when a guy asks something like that, it’s not like I can really just ignore it for months, right?”

“Well, was there a ring?”


“Down on one knee?”


“What kind of proposal is that?”

“It was actually really sweet—”

“I don’t care if he recited Corinthians and had roses coming out of his ears . . . wait, was this proposal after sex?”


“Jackass. Okay, here’s what you say to him. You say you need more time, and that the next time he decides to offer marriage, it better be on one knee, ring in hand, with no hanky-panky afterglow.”

“I’m not telling him that.”

“Fine, I will.”

ANOTHER WEEK WENT by, but Val still hadn’t mentioned his proposal. Justin knew her world had shifted on its axis recently, but he thought she’d have said something by now.

They were lying in bed, playing with each other’s fingers, when he finally decided to broach the subject again.

“So, I haven’t wanted to push, but have you thought about what I asked you?”

She stopped moving, and he waited several minutes before she sat up. “I love you, but—”