Gemma swallowed hard before answering. “Why don’t you play it for me?”
The smile he flashed her made her hold onto the bookshelf, her legs were trembling so bad. “I thought you’d never ask.”
His fingers worked over the strings as he sang clearly:
“It couldn’t be real, falling that young,
That’s what I was told by everyone,
But there was something about you,
That stayed with me through,
My lonely nights and months on the road,
And when I saw you again, I couldn’t let you go.”
Gemma’s eyes filled with tears, and she covered her mouth with her hand.
“I love you, I know you; don’t want to forget you,
’Cause you’re the one I want, yeah I always knew,
No other woman in the world could
ever make me feel the way you do.
You got to me. Oh darling, you got to me.
And I just can’t shake you.”
As he finished the song, he walked toward her, taking his time until he stood right in front of her. Gemma was crying so hard she could hardly see, and she stood perfectly still as he reached out to wipe a tear from her cheek.
“What did you think?”
“Oh, Travis, it was so lovely, I . . . does it mean—”
“Gemma, I’ve had some time to think.” His hand cradled her cheek. “I’ve decided that if you’re in this, then so am I.”
“I’m in this, I swear, I’m in this all the—”
Cutting off her vehement assurances with his kiss, she could do nothing but wrap her arms around his waist and return it. The kiss continued for several minutes, neither of them wanting to let go. Finally, Travis took her shoulders in his hands and laid his forehead against hers.
“I thought I blew it. I thought . . .” she gasped.
“I love you. That’s all I know, all I’ll ever know.” Sliding down to his knees, he held onto her hand and kissed her knuckle as he reached into his pocket to pull out the diamond ring he’d bought her in Vegas.
“Gemma Anne Carlson, you’ve put me through the ringer, there’s no doubt about it. Our life will never be simple or easy, but I’m ready to take on every obstacle it wants to throw at us, as long as I get to spend the rest of it with you.” Slipping the ring onto her finger, he continued, “We share a bittersweet past and a roller-coaster present, but I have a good feeling that the future is going to be a smoother ride. So, I’m down on my knees, asking you for the second time if you’ll marry me. What do you say, Gem? You in?”
Squeezing his hand hard, she said, “I’m in.”
* * *
Four weeks, six days, and eight hours later
It’s a Royal Wedding in Rock Canyon!