Sitting on the edge of the bed, she leaned over and kissed him below his chin. “Travis.”

“Yes, wife?”

She laughed in surprise and then squealed when he trapped her in his arms and rolled her onto her back.

“Got you.”

She ran her fingers across his shoulders and down his arms, teasing, “I did bring food, you know, but if you aren’t hungry . . .”

“I’m starving,” he said, nipping at her lip.

“I brought omelets with hash browns and biscuits,” she said, and then cracked up when his stomach growled loudly.

“Okay, food, and then I’m going to bring you right back here and have my way with you.”

She pulled down his head to kiss his lips and whispered, “Sounds like a plan to me.”

He had been as good as his word, and by two they’d finally gotten out of bed. They’d climbed into the sedan he’d rented for a day trip and driven down the road to go for a walk along the shore of Redfish Lake.

As they held each other, Travis said, “I was thinking about cutting back on my tour dates so I can spend more time at home.”

Home. Man, she liked the sound of that. But she was enjoying the love bubble in which they found themselves, far away from the worries and stresses of real life.

“Charlie and I would love that.”

“I still have to finish up this last leg, but it’s only through November. After that, I’ll see what I can work out with Big George. I really think we can make this work,” he said, stopping to pull her into his body.

“I hope so. Can you afford to do it?” She ran her hands up his arms and over his shoulders, giddy that they were making plans but still ignoring the little worm of worry that plagued her.

“Yeah, definitely. I’ve been thinking about slowing down for a while, I just never had a reason before,” he said, kissing her playfully. “Now I have two: you and Charlie.”

How did I get so lucky twice?

“When does the helicopter return?” she asked, playing with the bottom of his T-shirt.


“So we have roughly four hours left to enjoy this little mini honeymoon?” she asked as her hands splayed over his abs, traveling up under his shirt.


“How ’bout a swim?”

Catching him off balance, she pushed him backward into the lake, laughing as he landed on his butt. Of course, her laughter only lasted until he got back on his feet and came after her. She took off running with a squeal, but he caught her around the waist and dragged her in.

They romped and played, splashing and tackling each other. When he finally picked her up to carry her out of the water, she snuggled against his chest.

“Are we going back to the cabin?” she asked as he stepped over a log and started walking up the trail to the car.

“Yes, so I can exact my revenge.”

“Will I enjoy this revenge?” she asked teasingly.


“I can’t wait.”

Chapter Twenty-Three